Friday, August 20, 2010

Lenntek’s Sonix Micro Headphones

global cheloveynik


Once on the television broadcast of emergency Message: a few hours ago the planet once again visited by aliens. Their own eyes, my eyes saw the old woman, resting on the boulevard. In what state his eyes were old ladies, this silence. It's important that own, and not strangers. According to the old woman in broad daylight on the lawn down the spacecraft. From this fallen off the aliens. They approached the old lady mumbled something in his inoplanetyanskom language. The old lady was frightened, done in his pants and lost consciousness. When she regained consciousness, aliens, and the ship was gone. Perhaps aliens from outer space coming from the frightened old lady smell. On the question of how to look aliens, the old woman replied that they had no time to discern, but one thing is certain - they looked exactly like the aliens, because nobody, except the aliens, to look like he could not. Scientists who examined the landing ship, no trace. In their view, this is clearly spoke in favor of the hypothesis of the unknown means we move aliens, allowing them to reach a speed of one billion times the speed of light.

on television were the major experts in the field of space and extraterrestrial civilizations. One of them said that in the universe there are more than sekstilona planets inhabited by intelligent beings. On the question of why these creatures we have not flew before, although they had at their disposal an eternity, the scientist said that they, in all probability, needed time to fly around sekstilon habitable planets and scare old ladies sekstilon on these planets before it came to us. Another scientist said that the aliens to us arriving and before, not once, perhaps many millions of times. And there is compelling evidence. Once they sign his visit to our planet dragged a bunch of stones in the place where the stones have never been, and have put them out of the cross with a circle. At other times, they trampled the wheat one farmer, but so thoroughly that it is at this point stopped growing altogether. All attempts to repeat something like this did not succeed. Everywhere in the trampled we grew wheat field better than before, but in the wrong place - no way. The third time they burned the forest in the wilds of Siberia, although the fire should not be there because of cold weather and snow. Again, the forest at the site is still not growing. What other proof of stay of aliens on the planet, and their unusually high intelligence do you need? And now they're scared to death the old lady pensioner!

One of the panelists noted that it remains mysterious, it was worth Do

aliens fly to distant lands with superluminal velocity to carry stones, trample down the wheat, wood burning and scaring the old lady? And in general, why aliens have visited earth, behave at the level of primitive intelligence "witnesses" and not as a being superior to the best minds of mankind? At a previous speaker said that it did not surprise him. If our people will fly to another planet, they are there, too, would behave no less strange with inoplanetyanskoy point of view, than to visit us aliens. After fly is not Aristotle, Newton, Descartes, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, etc., and ... you know who. It's worth taking into account the differences between civilizations. Who knows, maybe on a planet inhabited by the fearless old lady, just make a mess old woman is the highest manifestation of the achievements of their civilization. Scaring our earthly old woman, aliens raced off to distant lands, imagining, some commotion up on the planet at the sight of terrified half to death and half-witted half-blind woman.

Regarding the last sentence of the scientist, some newspaper joked the other day that the aliens were not mistaken, if judged by the clamor which arose in the AP after their visit.

First, the panelists seemed to me idiot. But suddenly it dawned on me: Is not what we get up on our planet, superior to the reasonableness intimidation ET crazy and half-blind old lady? These aliens, at least not caused us any harm. And we are, how much evil we have made? And how much would be reasonable the end result of our progress?

recover from the fright the old woman got into the taste of international fame and started to remember details of a conversation with the aliens, she led supposedly in a hypnotic state. When she came to that remembered how the aliens from outer space have advised her to vote for the candidate Democrats promised to raise pensions for the poorest pensioners it somewhere removed. But she already has sparked a space ambitions of mankind forever secure a place of honor in memory of humanity itself.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Does An Ohio Id Look Like

global cheloveynik

funny that in all the films and books on topics like space aliens, and our astronauts look like primitive beings, utterly inadequate one technique by what they command, and the problems which they solve. There were, of course, the theorists who have failed at this "scientific" basis. And not entirely absurd. Millions of people drive cars and airplanes, working with computers and other modern technology. But almost all of them are primitive beings, just as inadequate to with what were dealing with. Conduct research Intelligence kings, presidents, ministers, prominent public figures and other rulers of mankind! You'll be amazed at how badly they know and understand their managed social facilities. And yet they are quite skillfully controlled cars, airplanes, computers, parties, governments, countries.

But there is one fact nullifies the arguments of such theorists: the millions of people mentioned are no claims for it to become intellectual elite of mankind, while involved in space affairs being represented by a claim to the top of the intellect. True, it's done with the aim of ideological brainwashing of the masses. And they have their own ideas about intelligence, it is relevant intelligence from space nerds and departing into space. After all, the gods of the ancient Greeks did not shine mind.

But even funnier is that no other planets, nor between aliens and not in a relationship between the two cosmonauts to the movies and books do not even hint at our capitalism and democracy. The impression is, if all space communism reigns Soviet model of XX century. It turns out involuntarily as the laws of democracy and capitalism require for their manifestation of the great mass of people, large Space and time periods. They do not operate in crowds, limited numerically in space and time, that is, in apartments, automobiles, airplanes, missiles, etc. So in the space of no room. In addition, in our society they do not act like they portray the ideology and propaganda.