funny that in all the films and books on topics like space aliens, and our astronauts look like primitive beings, utterly inadequate one technique by what they command, and the problems which they solve. There were, of course, the theorists who have failed at this "scientific" basis. And not entirely absurd. Millions of people drive cars and airplanes, working with computers and other modern technology. But almost all of them are primitive beings, just as inadequate to with what were dealing with. Conduct research Intelligence kings, presidents, ministers, prominent public figures and other rulers of mankind! You'll be amazed at how badly they know and understand their managed social facilities. And yet they are quite skillfully controlled cars, airplanes, computers, parties, governments, countries.
But there is one fact nullifies the arguments of such theorists: the millions of people mentioned are no claims for it to become intellectual elite of mankind, while involved in space affairs being represented by a claim to the top of the intellect. True, it's done with the aim of ideological brainwashing of the masses. And they have their own ideas about intelligence, it is relevant intelligence from space nerds and departing into space. After all, the gods of the ancient Greeks did not shine mind.
But even funnier is that no other planets, nor between aliens and not in a relationship between the two cosmonauts to the movies and books do not even hint at our capitalism and democracy. The impression is, if all space communism reigns Soviet model of XX century. It turns out involuntarily as the laws of democracy and capitalism require for their manifestation of the great mass of people, large Space and time periods. They do not operate in crowds, limited numerically in space and time, that is, in apartments, automobiles, airplanes, missiles, etc. So in the space of no room. In addition, in our society they do not act like they portray the ideology and propaganda.
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