me [...] interested in why psychoanalysis has had success in Russia.
Let L: The reason - not ideology, not bans authorities, as considered earlier. Once these factors have disappeared, the situation has not changed appreciably. Psychoanalysis began to impose by force. But - without much success.
A and B: It is strange. Why?
Let L: The Case of the human material. Freudianism and psychoanalysis are Western phenomenon. They are open on the material of the study zapadoidov. And of course, applicable only to them. It is interesting that only five percent of those who attend psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and psychologists are nezapadoidy. Yes, and they go quickly out of the desire to look zapadoidoobraznymi. And with regard to Russian Truth psychoanalysis in general look ridiculous. They have a different mental type - the type of truth-seekers. They seek the truth, not as an impartial truth, but as something such that, when found, will give them comfort and relief from poverty by itself, without effort, sacrifice and risk . They are natural-born psychoanalysts, we can say - Samoanalitiki
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