Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Set Up A Reit In Ohio

limmo @ 2010-11-29T19: 39:00

Commandments, morals, these people allegedly by revelation, in fact based on gross empiricism. Mores controls only a custom. Then, that prescribes the sky is only the consecration of the old habits. Divine Law, unheralded on any Sinai among fireworks, represents a only codification of human prejudices. And since the customs change, then and religion, having long life, like Judeo-Christianity, change its morality.

Anatole France
rebellion of the angels

What Blood Sugar Numbers Are Considered High?

Sovereign Sovereign

But people by nature are such that no less bound to those who have done well themselves, than fact, who made good them.

wise emperor should take меры к тому, чтобы
граждане   всегда и при любых
обстоятельствах имели потребность в государе  
и   в   государстве,-- только   тогда He can rely on their loyalty.

So that if the Emperor came to power with people, he should try to keep his friendship, which is not difficult, for people requires only that ; it does not oppress. But if sovereign led to power know defiance people, that his first duty - ; win Peoples' Friendship, which again easy to do, if you take people under his protection. People are the same, that, seeing good with hand those, from who waited evil, especially tied ; to benefactors, so people still more located to the Emperor, than if he led his to power.

most same thing for the emperor - to deal with subjects so that any event - not bad nor good - does not make him change his treatment, because, happen a hard time, too late to do evil and good is useless, because it deemed compelled and will pay homage to him with gratitude.

Cruelty cruelty strife. Cruelty applied well in those cases - if one may call good evil, - when her show once and for reasons security, do not persist in it and possibly pay for the good of his subjects, and poorly applied in cases where the first massacre committed rare, but over time become more frequent, but do not become less frequent.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Powered By Greyskull Shirt

On 'Detroitism' as in Murder, Poverty, Media Insanity

Here's another Detroit = Armageddon article worth reading , every one of it's six very saddening pages:

"The city reached a peak population of 1.9 million people in the 1950s, and it was 83 percent white. Now Detroit has fewer than 800,000 people, is 83 percent black…"

This is not about painting black and white or whatever colour.
The real question is if or how any social entity could survive such huge changes?

BTW: Unfortunately I posted the previous article I had found a few weeks ago on Facebook only and now I already can't figure out, how to retrieve and cite it. One more proof how useless FB is for stuff that really matters .

PS: I found it. After some monkey-like clicking my way down the FB-wall. On 30th of Sept. I noted:
" Most depressing text in a long time . I remember with what pride our relatives from Michigan, who visitied us when I was a young boy, related from Detroit. And now a devastated railway station and the Michigan Theatre in use as a parking lot??? Hell, this all time 'American Dream' has become way too complicated for me."

Here's the 'Requiem for Detroit' documentary for the more "audivisually gifted" of you:

Interestingly the video now seems 'protected' from non British courtesy of BBC viewers stupidity.Thanksalot.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Can I Fake Community Service Hours

How do I get a super brain

Fascinating NZZ Folio article about Piotr Wozniak, a "radical" researcher of our abilities to learn and not forget .

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Famous People Antisocial

of people should either caress or iznichtozhat because for little evil man can revenge, but for large - can not ; ; of What that caused the person offended should be adjusted so that no afraid of retaliation.

All armed prophets won, and all unarmed died. For it must be borne in mind , that is impermanent nature of people, and if you pay them in their faith easy, keep it hard. Therefore we must be ready, to, when faith in people fail, to make him believe force.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Olives For Fibroid Tumors

remoteness grilling

How is it so aptly: "When the going gets tough ..." Consequently, we were sitting
this evening on the balcony with good food and protested against the constantly deteriorating weather conditions in this country.
resistance in important things is just a civic duty, something we take seriously at the Panke.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sample Diet For A Person Without Gallbladder


forever ...

  day with you,   months - apart ...   Spervonachalu   so commanded.   Go outside, you come,   and again,   and then goodbye,   then burst into tears, the dreams   Into,   and again I'm waiting,   like forever and ever   of swimming women wait   sailors.   Waiting for the morning and at noon,   and night raw,   and suddenly you once   knock: - Open! -   Heat, heavy   expensive hand ...   ... And the years pass,   like flying clouds   fly-fly,   like leaves, like snow ...   We are together - forever.   In parting - ever.  

( Veronica Tushnova. Do not deny him love ...
Collected Poems. Poetic Russia.
Moscow: Russian book, 1997.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Orange Ear On A Bearded Dragon

global cheloveynik

great victory

war against the state Kari lasted only one hour. This was the shortest, the most bloodless, and the most brilliant war in history. We lost only one man, and then only by mistake. The army is a ruler Niesuha was completely destroyed along with the very Niesuhom and all his subjects.

about winning declared great rejoicing. [...] Glee are an integral part of the Western lifestyle. These are the moments in our lives when We realize that we are the best of worlds, and is filled with many emotions every great power generating state, which can not be called otherwise than jubilation. Not just a triumph, and rejoicing with a capital letter. The scale of Glee determined the cost of them and the victims during their meeting. The budgets of the AP size expenditures on them are in second place after the war. And the fact that investing in these private companies and citizens, can not be enumerated. For example, the Germans only fireworks for celebration annually spend an entire annual budget of one of the largest countries in EAC. Feel the difference of civilizations? And throughout the AP from heart attacks due to joyful feelings during Glee kills more people than all wars of AP in its history.

great rejoicing, I'm talking about is five times higher than for all indicators two biggest triumph of the West, which took place during the second half of XX century. The first of them - glee in England over a brilliant victory in the battle for human only ground squirrels and penguins in the Falkland Islands in 1984, which killed half of British soldier (with fright drowned in a dry place), and a reward for military feats gained hundred thousand soldiers and civilians, even not knowing where the these islands. The battle lasted forty minutes, but rejoicing - forty days.

second triumph of the same grand scale occurred in the U.S. in 1991 after more more glamorous (the British) victory in the war against Iraq, where more than half million U.S. Army, armed with the most modern Arms and supported by all Western countries, in a few days destroy an Arab country backward, losing two dozen soldiers, and not the fault of the Arabs and ditching several hundred thousand civilians. "The battle lasted for a few days, and the jubilation continues even now. Anyway, the streets of American cities still have not cleaned up from the holiday collection - from the confetti, streamers, slogans, banners, flags and banners, and beautifully dressed citizens still marching to the crash of orchestras. How many people received awards - remained unknown, because the calculation of awards was carried out in tons of metal poshedshego on them. So, to imagine the jubilation over the victory over Cary, need to connect to mention two of rejoicing together, and multiply the resulting the sum of five

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global cheloveynik

Studying EAC and its past history, Gore has made the greatest, he said, opening the historical "archeology": he "unearthed" evidence that the Russian and Soviet empires, and then until the end of the XXI century there was a great nation, which then disappeared from the historical arena was literally "erased" from the memory of mankind.

According to our official historical concept in the EAC lived and lives up to now over one hundred different ethnic groups. Their combined title - Russian. Any specific ethnic group of Russian, different from the Tatars, Bashkir, Kalmyk, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Chuvash, Chechens and other peoples, never had any. Gore found that this concept is false. In fact, such people existed. And it was a great nation, not only in size (about one hundred million), but also the historical role and contribution to world civilization. Gore called it rusoidami because the word "Russian" lost its ethnic meaning and has become the collective name of many different peoples.

What happened to these people? Why he disappeared the stage of history? Why are so thoroughly cleaned out the traces of it in history? According to Gore, these people are not just dead. He was a joint effort of the West and all its the world's lackeys and helpers intentionally directed to the path of extinction. It can be argued more, and he was just destroyed by modern methods of extermination large nations, which will eventually be wiped out many billions of "surplus" population of the planet. But in regard rusoidov situation was special, it can be argued - unique: they were the creators and bearers of the communist social order, which was a mortal threat to the existence of zapadnizma as a social system and its carrier Western nations. The defeat of Soviet communism was both a defeat and rusoidov as a special people. Then west for a century methodically carried out in respect of the vanquished rusoidov policy, forcing them to degradation and extinction. West was convinced that the preservation rusoidov as a great nation means eternal threat to the revival of communism. And who knows, maybe a result of the second attempts to communism won to world domination with all its consequences for the West. Because it was necessary not simply to destroy the people, but the slip of human memory all traces of his tenure in history.

A and B: Do you think that the type of social system rigidly linked to the nature of human material?

G on p: Yes. I have examined the state of the peoples of the EAU. After the collapse of communism, almost all of them to reconstruct the system with which to pre-Soviet period have lived for centuries and even millennia. Communism in the strict sense, they never had. Howled superficial imitation influenced rusoidov and under their pressure. Because they survived. Rather, they were spared, and even encouraged, because they do not carry a threat to us and were suitable for colonization.

A and B: You're talking about modern methods of extermination more people. What do you mean?

G on p: Westernization. Imposition of western lifestyle, western system of values, the Western economic and political systems of people who all this is alien to their nature. With rusoidami in this respect have done something similar to what Europeans did to the indigenous population America.

A and B: What do you think would happen to us if some forces us to impose the communist system?

G on p: The same thing that happened to rusoidami: we will disappear from the face of the earth.

How To Replace A Bathtub

My view from the side.

to speak up their brief look at the layouts made by other tarologami and interpretatsii their other colleagues.
known that tarolog or astrologer sometimes by seeing someone else made does not by itself alignment (or someone else, not them map the client) even better. Why? Yes, because it is independent and he has no bias to the person to whom disposition was made - just like for example: gone, took one look and suddenly the whole picture clearly "drawn" as in oil on canvas painted. He did not have watch it, but he saw her. Not necessarily at all that he sees and sees all - as to outsider tarolog saw What in the scenario, the question is, should be curiosity in tarologa (or whether it specifically asked about it).

If his curiosity no - Then the cards, look how many do not look, but perhaps a little confusing. If you go to the store for a purchase and then suddenly stopping before the accident perfume department (as an example), remember that your lipstick is over and you need a new , you'll consider it all the same with a lot curiosity than when pausing for a moment before the department, but thinking "oh, I now a complete set of makeup, I still do not have nothing." Not necessarily because that lipstick purchase may otlozhete buy tomorrow or the next day.

yesterday finally found the time to pass on this one link me one respected tarologom its request peruse two treatments: one hand, a treatment made tarologom to whom the client can addressed (the author), and the other hand, a treatment made by other tarologom - its "view from" the cards, so to speak.
And that is typical. Both interpretations - interesting. Although alignment is a rather big, I'm not a fan of a three-dimensional layouts. Everything can always be divided into two or three hand. But Here both tarologa with the interpretation allowed deviations, each way. I feel closer to the second interpretation tarologa, "view from the side» - which interpreted alignment. For the pair - three cards I add that my least Interpretation was there would be another. Disparate. This says what? Only that everyone sees the situation in their own way.

Also - I always emphasize that it is important : «get information on the alignment or situation, given the client, you can always with the level , which itself is located, and above all. While there may be exceptions, of course. Above information can take: either a very good professional. Which again comes to a man with a large practice and / or with the age and / or a big life human experience. Or a man who himself was in the same situation and came out of it made for myself have conclusions, ie he knows what he says. " So - an interpretation of the second tarologom (from) - it was the interpretation of rights, who can take the information "above the level», and interpretation of the first tarologom (not in any way is not to say that either is negative, God forbid. It does not know this tarologa, and never not visited his journal, there is no time for it. We are talking about only one this scenario, one that respected tarologa) - an interpretation of a man who «can get information only from the level at which he is."
write up - just not a criticism, you understand correctly. It's just my point of view on what they see.

Even in this thread write what I think about layouts for young children .

Peering one tarologichesky magazine - saw that it was written: alignment was made a little child, a few months, he . So my opinion is the following.

Make decomposed in such young children unacceptable. It believes the Christian church? Child 5-6 years it agelskaya and soul to communion, he is allowed without the confession. And now with a 7-years and the priests are asking children to confession before Communion holy mysteries. Sins Of course they do not have any at this age, but little man learn to speak confession that he "probably did not listen to mom or with a friend recently got into a fight." This I what? Yes, that that if soul even before 5-6 years angelic - then what scenario can speak to Angela?

This I would call - a sin. Sin which commits itself tarolog knowing it. Also - decomposed at adolescents may, if absolutely necessary and only with the permission of their parents and at their request. There are many other arguments that suggest that «view" maps of small children is prohibited.

I personally in my top post (where the description of packs worth) wrote that decomposed made only person under 18 years of and he should I ordering scenario, if by e-mail is assumed, confirm : he was already 18.

no need to shift their customers sins Accuracy shoulders tarologov. A using different predictive systems and practices - should be more attentive with customers.