Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Orange Ear On A Bearded Dragon

global cheloveynik

great victory

war against the state Kari lasted only one hour. This was the shortest, the most bloodless, and the most brilliant war in history. We lost only one man, and then only by mistake. The army is a ruler Niesuha was completely destroyed along with the very Niesuhom and all his subjects.

about winning declared great rejoicing. [...] Glee are an integral part of the Western lifestyle. These are the moments in our lives when We realize that we are the best of worlds, and is filled with many emotions every great power generating state, which can not be called otherwise than jubilation. Not just a triumph, and rejoicing with a capital letter. The scale of Glee determined the cost of them and the victims during their meeting. The budgets of the AP size expenditures on them are in second place after the war. And the fact that investing in these private companies and citizens, can not be enumerated. For example, the Germans only fireworks for celebration annually spend an entire annual budget of one of the largest countries in EAC. Feel the difference of civilizations? And throughout the AP from heart attacks due to joyful feelings during Glee kills more people than all wars of AP in its history.

great rejoicing, I'm talking about is five times higher than for all indicators two biggest triumph of the West, which took place during the second half of XX century. The first of them - glee in England over a brilliant victory in the battle for human only ground squirrels and penguins in the Falkland Islands in 1984, which killed half of British soldier (with fright drowned in a dry place), and a reward for military feats gained hundred thousand soldiers and civilians, even not knowing where the these islands. The battle lasted forty minutes, but rejoicing - forty days.

second triumph of the same grand scale occurred in the U.S. in 1991 after more more glamorous (the British) victory in the war against Iraq, where more than half million U.S. Army, armed with the most modern Arms and supported by all Western countries, in a few days destroy an Arab country backward, losing two dozen soldiers, and not the fault of the Arabs and ditching several hundred thousand civilians. "The battle lasted for a few days, and the jubilation continues even now. Anyway, the streets of American cities still have not cleaned up from the holiday collection - from the confetti, streamers, slogans, banners, flags and banners, and beautifully dressed citizens still marching to the crash of orchestras. How many people received awards - remained unknown, because the calculation of awards was carried out in tons of metal poshedshego on them. So, to imagine the jubilation over the victory over Cary, need to connect to mention two of rejoicing together, and multiply the resulting the sum of five


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