those laws that "we" want to cheat fate by expanding this or that card solitaire for love is on the money whether or on what that life situation - trying to so with the help of Solitaire attract into our lives or that event, though amenable to solution, but they are alive: resist.
Be prepared for the fact that the medium will resist you. You are making pressure over the medium , forcing her to swap and show you another plane . And any a force meets always opposition (the law of physics). And well, if the opposition will not be too strong for someone who lays himself Adjustment Solitaire, maybe he is already « list had previously required amount of money for its payment », and if not, then you can expect any. As an example - may be temporarily withdrawn from the system, "some sort of a chakra (suction power occurs in it), or that Porush is a close relative (about breakage unexpected car at the most inopportune moment, I do not speak). Again, physics - Newton's law of conservation of energy. Where energy was « taken » of space, should did she and compensated ... from somewhere ... The whole question - from just?
I wrote in one of my posts (here: ) that have been working for some time to develop mathematical-card-pasyansnoy model on the possible winnings in gambling. So, the more you work, the clearer results, but also in more detail to understand the system "space-time kickbacks universe."
system works, and this is important.
few words on the Chance and Luck .
Already just what that 5 guessed numbers in a lottery or table in a casino, mean probability 1: 23.000. Win 7 numbers in the lottery, so-called Jackpott , means Chance 1: 140,000,000. Win 6 rooms - a chance 1: 15.000.000, and win 5 rooms with an additional number means a chance to 1: 2.000.000.
Now account ! We have one friend ( on my technique ) makes an analysis of the drawing. He won. Guessed it was 5 rooms with an additional number. Joy no bounds. People are already pumped himself with this joyful energy of winning money. And what happened? It turns out - he played in a different system, where the gain is equal to win it "6" numbers of a certain number. And is there a different way. And instead of 100 pieces bucks, got a piece bucks. I think too great. The system worked. He tore a chance: 1 to two million! And men breakdown on Manipur. That in my opinion - even « little flowers », as the system as it showed they say: once you encroach on the "not yours" and has already reached out to take, but by showing you the result, you have shown and for all necessary pay. " his money is limited, so "payback» out that way. Rest, heal, typed forces. But if he really выиграл эти самые 100 тысяч баксов? Что бы могло быть?...
Защиту тут ставить какую либо – не поставишь, т.к. а) все защиты легко пробиваются (да и какая защита can there be? I have something I can not imagine until present)
b) in the case of "impermissible climbing in the coffers of the universe" must be prepared to "roll back" and not click on the nose (if again, not previously paid in advance or not a person has committed itself to before modeling «pay directly than what come to an agreement ").
I mentioned the word "simulation". Any card alignment - there are already modeling, Image situation, perhaps finding the right way out of it, and thus change part of life's journey. The whole issue - whether to do it man?
Therefore mathematical-modeling card Solitaire to attract wealth and / or attract significant cash sums - requires care and caution again. Actually - the same can be said about omens : Forced imposing feelings another person, creating a binding to it or to anyone else. Sooner or later - comes rollback . Output of which can be painful, can be a long, Porush has much in my life even.
This is what I write everything. And to think that when getting into magic. Changing reality simulation - it and there is magic. One of its parts.
/ © VEGA_STERN. Information author , my - a link to my blog / LJ mandatory when reprinting material. The article is protected by copyright . /
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