Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Put A Storage Lien On A Boat In Fl

Analytics in hands, the Tarot - 2

once again return to the subject «significator" and "Pointer» in determining whether a particular in hand. My previous post - HERE
As an example of such a question was asked a girl: In which of the former Soviet Union, was born this girl?
MY ANSWER was: 1) Tajikistan (Tajikistan on I fell significator). Before that, I laid out for all the republics of cards - was falling in the southern republic. That then I was told this southern republic may be the country of the Central Asian republics. - Kazakhstan - 7 Sword, Clown, Kyrgyzstan - 4 to 9 H, Tajikistan - love., Ace cube Uzbekistan - 8 J., RM - Significator it was CA "Lovers."
If we look at - it all starts with the CA "Fool" and ends with them - that is suggestive - Kazakhstan (I added then back at her, because I was not sure entirely in the interpretation and Tajikistan).
Ie CA is "in love" - is significator . And protsentualno - The answer was:
If we consider all the 15 former Soviet republics as 100%, then the answer that had fallen on the two republics of Tajikistan and Kazakhstan * * - 87% accuracy. AND of the remaining 13% percent correct hit was: 50-50. Total, one can say that 93% accuracy, I hit the answer.
Since the correct answer was given a girl - the birth of her was in Kazakhstan.

Actually in analytics - if rendering prediction with a probability of 50% or more drops, then it is very good! On forecasts of 70-80% - can be only dream of!
One hundred per cent prediction is rare, but it certainly happens.

taken into account in the first place :
A) Likelihood answers.
B) Coincidence or failure in the response.
B) Protsentualno - with which the error has been answered: in a positive way or negative. The accuracy of the answer.

After all, any interpretation of the cards, too, with an error is made, which should not be forgotten and which clients are always given to understand (either directly or indirectly). Because fate changeable for each: the fact that yesterday seemed not real, can today with a certain probability distribution and vice versa. Absolutely maps do not show Nothing is showing multi-variant events.

«Index» - it's another card. Defined (again as an example) before the apportionments question:
«What do I tell response to a question? "or" What do I decipher the question? »
And if « Index » falls in the scenario, something from him" dance. " How? Here the choice is vast. All depends on the analyst's (= tarologa), from his mental abilities and mindset of its developments. He can see - again, as one example: зеркало этой карты (вверх или вниз, вправо или влево). Обязательно где то будет им найдена информация, или в Зеркалах или в другом месте. Но, как я уже и говорила = Analysis, a slow process and patience is needed, the cost of time is always at the same time significant (and usually the client, and he himself tarolog sometimes - it wants to do everything quickly as possible. Hurry do not get.) Here are invited «play" with the "Guide". "Significator" - this is through what we see in patience. A "pointer" - This is the direction of a definitive answer. .

I write briefly, because the system itself is working and it needs to be explained and practiced with it more than one hour: the examples of the best.
In the continuation of the conversation in komyunite taro_ aenigma - HERE .

/ © VEGA_STERN. Information authoring, my - a link to my blog / LJ mandatory when reprinting material. The article and the information in it is copyrighted. /


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