Wednesday, October 13, 2010

John,kejt Plus Eight Wikipedia

global cheloveynik

there is something more awful than self-deception, hatred, hypocrisy, cynicism and other negative aspects of our psychology, namely, - Icy indifference that takes a certain guise of humanity at least in such a negative way.

We generally have a society that produces the highest Quality stuff

contemporary art in general is not art, it is sverhiskusstvo, expressing, however, the lowest floor of our subconscious

From the perspective of eternity, falsehood and truth are indistinguishable.

best of its kind phenomenon is not necessarily good. Tallest midget is not a giant. The most intelligent fool is not yet wise. The fact that our society better than others, does not mean that it is good in itself. It follows from this that other even worse, that's all. In addition, one phenomenon is better than only some, but not in all respects, and only for some, but not for all people.

cultural and moral our level of "high society" extraordinarily low, no higher than that of the lower layer. Extremes meet. Excessive wealth, power and fame are to the same consequences as extreme poverty, powerlessness and obscurity. They odnokachestvenny. "Lower Light" is a reflection of "higher" and vice versa. The same distortion, same meanness, the same crimes, the same passions, the same relationships between people. The only other clothing, another satiety, the other dimensions. After all, the highest light of feudal society was not the medium in which were born and developed the phenomenon of civilization.

People drive really is not oschastlivlivaniem and an abundance of entertainment and pleasure, and by hypertrophy of the desire for real life benefits and to create conditions in which excluded the possibility to satisfy this desire for most people, but for those who have a good life in abundance, the very idea of happiness is ruined. Her place is taken temptation, as such, does not have any boundaries.


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