Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Replace A Bathtub

My view from the side.

to speak up their brief look at the layouts made by other tarologami and interpretatsii their other colleagues.
known that tarolog or astrologer sometimes by seeing someone else made does not by itself alignment (or someone else, not them map the client) even better. Why? Yes, because it is independent and he has no bias to the person to whom disposition was made - just like for example: gone, took one look and suddenly the whole picture clearly "drawn" as in oil on canvas painted. He did not have watch it, but he saw her. Not necessarily at all that he sees and sees all - as to outsider tarolog saw What in the scenario, the question is, should be curiosity in tarologa (or whether it specifically asked about it).

If his curiosity no - Then the cards, look how many do not look, but perhaps a little confusing. If you go to the store for a purchase and then suddenly stopping before the accident perfume department (as an example), remember that your lipstick is over and you need a new , you'll consider it all the same with a lot curiosity than when pausing for a moment before the department, but thinking "oh, I now a complete set of makeup, I still do not have nothing." Not necessarily because that lipstick purchase may otlozhete buy tomorrow or the next day.

yesterday finally found the time to pass on this one link me one respected tarologom its request peruse two treatments: one hand, a treatment made tarologom to whom the client can addressed (the author), and the other hand, a treatment made by other tarologom - its "view from" the cards, so to speak.
And that is typical. Both interpretations - interesting. Although alignment is a rather big, I'm not a fan of a three-dimensional layouts. Everything can always be divided into two or three hand. But Here both tarologa with the interpretation allowed deviations, each way. I feel closer to the second interpretation tarologa, "view from the side» - which interpreted alignment. For the pair - three cards I add that my least Interpretation was there would be another. Disparate. This says what? Only that everyone sees the situation in their own way.

Also - I always emphasize that it is important : «get information on the alignment or situation, given the client, you can always with the level , which itself is located, and above all. While there may be exceptions, of course. Above information can take: either a very good professional. Which again comes to a man with a large practice and / or with the age and / or a big life human experience. Or a man who himself was in the same situation and came out of it made for myself have conclusions, ie he knows what he says. " So - an interpretation of the second tarologom (from) - it was the interpretation of rights, who can take the information "above the level», and interpretation of the first tarologom (not in any way is not to say that either is negative, God forbid. It does not know this tarologa, and never not visited his journal, there is no time for it. We are talking about only one this scenario, one that respected tarologa) - an interpretation of a man who «can get information only from the level at which he is."
write up - just not a criticism, you understand correctly. It's just my point of view on what they see.

Even in this thread write what I think about layouts for young children .

Peering one tarologichesky magazine - saw that it was written: alignment was made a little child, a few months, he . So my opinion is the following.

Make decomposed in such young children unacceptable. It believes the Christian church? Child 5-6 years it agelskaya and soul to communion, he is allowed without the confession. And now with a 7-years and the priests are asking children to confession before Communion holy mysteries. Sins Of course they do not have any at this age, but little man learn to speak confession that he "probably did not listen to mom or with a friend recently got into a fight." This I what? Yes, that that if soul even before 5-6 years angelic - then what scenario can speak to Angela?

This I would call - a sin. Sin which commits itself tarolog knowing it. Also - decomposed at adolescents may, if absolutely necessary and only with the permission of their parents and at their request. There are many other arguments that suggest that «view" maps of small children is prohibited.

I personally in my top post (where the description of packs worth) wrote that decomposed made only person under 18 years of and he should I ordering scenario, if by e-mail is assumed, confirm : he was already 18.

no need to shift their customers sins Accuracy shoulders tarologov. A using different predictive systems and practices - should be more attentive with customers.


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