Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bladder Stopped Working

Cheers! New, now in version 2011! Last message

Es ist verdächtig ruhig. Und das schon seit um halb sieben morgens!
Denen wird doch nicht etwa schon die Munition ausgegangen sein?
Von Enten und anderem Fluggetier in any case no trace, either not yet married to the peace, or the noise it has first driven into town remote security. What perhaps is not so bad in terms of certain unhealthy diet of the poor critters here in the City.

Anyway, I wanted to say: Happy New everyone!
Thank all nice people, friends, family members, and who or what else contributed to it up better. Eternal damnation
all assholes and early, earned self-knowledge ...
And of course, world peace, still, sort of.


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