It took a visit to Tunisia or Egypt, not even:
who follows the recent train accident coverage of Hordorf can ask me, why also the day after still no one speaks like this, that the passenger appeared to simply time was underway.
to Sun because of the " takes searching for the causes of .
Whenever I read recently in newspapers, radio listening or watching TV news, an impression will not leave my head: the majority of the so-called media reporter käut but only against each other Sheis her again. For example, currently the tale of the train drivers .
The fact that two trains railraod on a track in either direction, may be on the road, I think in spite of the Berlin S-Bahn-disaster still is fairly impossible.
Victims IMHO it would be at least guilty of the plain facts as serve up first, once you have them . And not to blabber
nebulous cause of search and police, THW and anyone else with bubbles its immense importance as they cleaned up, the traces , victim identification etc. are demonstrated.
has not even apparently helped the Duisburg Love Parade-Disaster: some reporters, editors, chiefs of service discovery probably just not that * not their job * the forward-obedient, reporting as already lurking Mitigating (corporations, lobbies, insurance companies, politicians etc .) is.
But what am I saying. Probably borders on blasphemy.
UPDATE 12:38: Siehstemal, Ramsauer warns already!
That made the more often, the chroniclers of Google note currently 71 400 occurrences of warnings:
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