Peanut Butter alone or in combination with other substances - is very helpful as an oil Massage - in sickness arthritis and rheumatism, joint pains !
Use - 1 time per week to the friction. In than rheumatism tougher to rub along the spine to stimulate nerve endings pass through muscle tissue.
to wash, then carefully rub the oil along the spine, massaging each vertebra, rub butter along extremities, where the sciatic nerve, in the hands - particularly in preplechya and shoulder joints. Massage - 20 or 25 minutes. Daily - if it hurts. In the morning - massaging with dilution infusion myrrh. Mirra strengthens, nourishes the muscles and improves mobility, due to the fact that it removes toxins from the body. This should be a minimum of 15 days to 2 -3 months.
mixture : Peanut Butter - 2 oz
Olive Oil - 2 oz
Lanolin - 1 ounce
Rub in the lumbar region, sacrum, along the limb, between the fingers or toes.
Twice a week, "swim" in olivovom or peanut oil. Very well rubbing it all in body, rubbing the entire body, umaschivaya all the joints and lower back, spine, and all sides, as well as the chest, ribs and limbs, hands and feet.
Castor oil - hot rub in hands or feet - 3rd times a week.
Helps with arthritis and rheumatism, pains in the joints. Best of all - put an infrared lamp at a distance of 35 - 40 cm from the body part that hurts. Apply a castor oil or any above-mentioned and let the warm under the lamp 5-10 minutes. Then carefully Massage into the body. Not yet absorbed all . Say it again - the same way. Can be repeated several just a massage, each time giving the oil under the lamp to warm infrared rays, and then rubbing oil.
massage effect on the limb or where can feel the pain - you need to provide once a day. With the help of heated peanut butter and myrrh - rubbing them in the limb. Better after a hot bath, when the muscles are relaxed. To get the ointment, not the solution - in a heated myrrh stirring constantly enter the oil, stirring further. The mixture should be thick as cream.
If a warmed oil to add Mirren - then we get a solution.
(based on books about the E. Casey)
And now I'll add a few words about his "research":
peanuts or peanut . A typical element of the Earth. Earth, as is well known in the Tarot Arcana denoted Pentacles. They're mean and health. So You umaschivaete body (ie Earth) oil, lubricate it.
body healthy.
olive oil - is the Sun-doped Jupiter. earth with fire (in this case the sun) - is friendship, if we start from an astrological matching elements and Arcana Tarot them. Everything goes for the benefit of the human body.
Be Healthy!
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