Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hampton Beach Waffle Maker


Символ Chiron like a key. That opens it? Almost everything. Q: When?
Chiron was discovered in 01/11/1977 This date is one of the most amazing stories in
astrology and comparable meaningfully only with the date of discovery of Uranus, when
traditional model of seven planets had been debunked. The discovery of one planet
marked the beginning of a new era, the discovery of energy flows that the planet itself
symbolizes, and they broke strongly and were active in the life of
humanity. Since opening Uranus coincided with the French Revolution and the motto
raised at the barricades, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," as if taken from
textbook on astrology, from topic keyword of Uranus. Although this motto still
not fully realized, the desire for freedom, the struggle for human rights constitute an indivisible part of
the history of mankind in the last few centuries.
discovery of Neptune in 1844 coincided with the emergence of socialist ideas and
teachings of Marx and although they were not implemented in its pure form, frankly
have been tarnished. But they now continue to influence
political life.
no less dramatic the opening of Pluto in 1930, when played out most
big economic crisis in history, came to power, the biggest
dictator - Hitler - 1933 city, the last World War II (1939), the explosion
first atomic bomb (1945) - all events are subject to Pluto.
However, if you look at the events around 1977 and after them, it will not open
nothing particularly dramatic. On the contrary open only positive developments -
is the end of the Cold War, are starting to talk about disarmament, falls
"Iron Curtain", dictatorial regimes crumble, people seeking more
religious freedom, cease to pursue for political reasons, comes
end of an era of racial discrimination, women in the Muslim world is gradually
seeking rights. Like many of the ideals of Uranus and Neptune start
done just now, on the other hand is limited to heavy influence
began era Chiron . At first he was like an asteroid because of its irregular shape
. But when approached its perihelion, astronomers have observed a cloud of gas
about it, ie, Chiron showed its basic nature - Comets. But in
unlike them he does not leave the solar system, and much larger than their size.
After Chiron were discovered and other bodies that move in a similar he
orbit and now bear the names of the centaur Chiron
bypasses orbit around the Sun in 50.8 years. There is no consensus among astrologers about managing
Chiron. They believe Virgin marks its ruler,
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, and some astrologers believe that it is not
control characters.

Movement for signs of the zodiac:
striking, different time periods that Chiron is in a
sign. The longest stay in a sign of its aphelion - Aries - 8,5 years,
then he just moves slower when it passes through the Taurus
slightly faster movement and remains in this sign 7 years, then in Gemini
accelerated a little more zone and passes the sign of Gemini 4 years. In Cancer
it increases the speed a bit and runs for 3 years, the Lion of 2,5, in Virgo and Libra
where Chiron is the most quickly moves is only a year and a half.
After that, the next sign of Scorpio is a bit slower and there are 2
, in Sagittarius - 2,5 g, in Capricorn - 4, in Libra - 6 years, and reaches the sign of Pisces
where dwells as much as 8 years old.
If we compare the time for Chiron which overcomes one sign of the planet Uranus,
Saturn and Jupiter.
Uranus, the orbital cycle is in 1984, is a zodiacal sign
approximately 7 years. There are but two characters in which Chiron is longer time
Uranus: Pisces - 8 liters. and Aries - 8.5 liters. It is known that the farther a planet from the Sun,
the slower its motion. Consequently, in the period when Chiron
in opposition to Uranus, it is farther from the sun than Uranus. This fact does not take into account the often
astrologers, and it is extremely important to determine the effect Chiron. If you want to search
equivalent to comparing the positions of the planets in the mythology, the
discover the fact that Chiron is the place of Prometheus. It is generally accepted assume that
Chiron orbits between Saturn and Uranus, but not included in this
period of 11 years (1964-1975), looking to the heliocentric reference point, Chiron,
although it does not cross the orbit of Uranus, located farther from the Sun, is
between the planets Uranus and Neptune!

time for Chiron which passes through Taurus seven years and is still time for
which uranium passes through one sign. The next period, when Chiron is
through Gemini, on average - 4 years and meets Chiron position between Uranus and Saturn
Saturn, the orbital cycle is 29.5 liters. Passes through one zodiac sign
average 2,5 g There is, however, 4 characters through which
Chiron passes over a similar period: Cancer - 3 years, Leo - 2,5 g, the Scorpion - 2 years,
Sagittarius - 2,5 g At that time, Chiron is equally distant from the Sun to Saturn. If
look at Chiron from a geocentric point, there are moments when Chiron
is closer, farther from Earth than Saturn.
by periods of time when Chiron is moving faster and passes through the signs of Virgo and Libra
only a year and a half, he approaches the time for which Jupiter
through one zodiacal sign.
If we take the rate of Chiron, as the main factor of its influence and power in the signs,
we can make the assumption that Chiron will be strong in Leo, Virgin,
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

From the astrological point of view of the significance of this nonuniform motion of Chiron through the signs
huge. If life was subject only to Saturn and Uranus with their
nearly uniform motion through the signs for 2,5 and 7 years respectively, the
all events in our life in future cases would be at regular intervals,
but this practice is not so. Time during which the square to Saturn makes
own position in the natal chart in the middle 7.4 years, while, during which time
Chiron makes a quadrature varies between 5,5 and 23 years. That
because of this variation Chiron does not give the key to an individual approach to the whole map

Until now, there are three provisions that Chiron is between heavy

between Jupiter and Saturn
between Saturn and Uranus
between Uranus and Neptune
not there and the fourth position in which Chiron is located between the planets Uranus and Pluto?

Familiar well with astronomy known that for a period of 20 years between 1979 and 1999
. Pluto crossed Neptune's orbit at which time Neptune was the farthest planet from the Sun
. When we compare the position of Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto on
relation to the sun it turns out that there is one only a moment and it's about
date 01.05.1980 city - if Chiron is between Uranus and Pluto.
So, we installed and fourth position , where Chiron was between
planets Uranus and Pluto! In mythological terms, this corresponds to
descent Chiron in the kingdom of Hades!

distance of planets from the sun due to their motion changes, changes и
расположение их.
1.Юпитер *Хирон* Сатурн*Уран*Нептун*Плутон
2.Юпитер*Сатурн *Хирон* Уран*Нептун*Плутон
3.Юпитер*Сатурн*Уран *Хирон* Нептун*Плутон
4.Юпитер*Сатурн*Уран * Chiron * Neptune * Pluto

Each position gives the different characteristics of Chiron.
I. The role of Cupid / between Jupiter and Saturn / - has to sign
Libra and Leo;
II. The role of steward / between Saturn and Uranus / - opens the gates between
measurements, makes the impossible - possible, is related to Sagittarius and
Capricorn - teachers, which displays a student from the material to the spiritual world.
III. Role of the Healer / between Uranus and Neptune / (Virgo, Pisces) - This degree is
3 years:
1. Healers of the body - reflexologist, zone therapy, massage, generally
treatment with hands / when Chiron was discovered, there was a boom of alternative methods
treatment - 1977; /
2. healers of the soul - the astrologers, therapists, psychologists;
3. healers of nature - environmental;
IV. Role mowers / between uranium and plutonium - is relevant a Scorpio, you can call it even
rapist - may indicate an experienced trauma, violence,
associated with birth and death.

Chiron in Natal MAP
Chiron in the signs:
sign, which falls Chiron often shows a deep wound that
our favorite people we dealt in the past incarnation. It affects reflex
in our present lives and need to cope with the pain that we carry in my heart.
question that everyone is required to himself ask "What did I learn this pain."
Or as the saying goes, "Every evil for good," the question is whether we
see this stuff.
ARIES - Aries - a leader, a man who wants to be first; position shows,
manifestation of that impulse itself was terminated. You have sinned before himself;
underestimated himself. Discover yourself! - That's the message to the people of Chiron
born with this position in the natal chart.
Example: Chiron in Aries II in the house - people did not allow myself to spend money on
TAURUS - was deprived the world of feelings - love was crowded, so the generation
born with Chiron in Taurus must learn to express their love, if
suffers from a lack of love;
TWINS - a man was forced to remain silent was not a bit, but now:
need to communicate more with others, to talk;
CANCER - the trauma of a family, you were not loved, appreciated, can not be accepted;
now: you can not take, do not like or love with the condition, must learn to
appreciate the family to forgive
LEO - problems associated with the manifestation, perhaps the man was talented, but his
potential remained unmanifested, need to ask Are there any
any talent? Required to achieve healing through the development of talent;
VIRGO - often indicator of health problems in the former life, but this
position may indicate a problem with the service. Now there is a desire to
reinsurance, a feeling of uncertainty. If a person failed with the role
employee - are now required to do so, must be strengthened, and faith.
Libra - the problems were in the relationship drama, divorce, sect. Lesson -
learn see their own sins in a partner;
SCORPIO - often early sexuality, sexual violence,
unrealized sexual desire, passion and now a person needs
cope with the passions (or their fears!), Chiron in House VIII shows
SAGITTARIUS - the problems of the spiritual nature not the right religion, want to blindly
follow any religion, bigotry, distancing themselves from the people for their
ideals now - want to return to way back to him;
CAPRICORN - problems with the implementation, the man had a plan may not
implemented, can someone stop him or just was not enough courage,
will, in time to achieve; Now - rabotogolik, blindly following the goal,
want to learn how to balance home and family.
AQUARIUS - problems with freedom, a man was limited, it can be from friends;
Now, with this position do not have to limit yourself to other people - partners
/ if Chiron falls in the VII house / children / V home / buddies / home XI /;
FISH - relationship with God can be the person has violated some of the first God
commandments given to Moses, Now This position may occur as a disease or
strong emotional suffering. Unjust accusation, without guilt guilty,
suffers no apparent reason for it. Must reconnect with God!
Chiron in HOUSE
Shows that we could do more for others than for themselves. Scope
/ region / in life, that fails, something that is not taking
and at the same time love / person as /, something that we want and at the same time
deny. On the other hand, we ourselves bring to the success of others about us (the people,
symbolized the house which gets natal Chiron);

If one astrologer, can make an accurate prediction friends and acquaintances, but not
yourself - it's not an astrologer Chiron.

transit passes through the Asc, IC, Dsc, MC
This is the most important moments in life.
I. Passing through the Asc - is the point at which a person needs
awaken spiritually, even though he was very young during this transit. This
when a word, book, whether accidentally, suddenly can become
"trigger" for events to which you can even rectify map; Chiron
always puts Hamlet question: "To Be or Not To Be? Wake up or not? "
II. Passing through the IC - this period of extremely tight, open karma
human karmic debt - Time to pay, there may be disease, almost
incurable, there may be problems with real estate family. If you suffer karma,
disease, will open the following "Gate";
III. Passing through Dsc - the emphasis here falls on the relationship with your partner,
marriage, divorce, partition, rethinking relationships;
IV. Passage by MC - then a person needs to develop, to pay accumulated,
devote themselves to the cause, a new beginning or to achieve a kind of upper hand in their professional
or social activities;
There foresight, that individual will be defining events of the year,
when Chiron tranzitiruet through some of the axes.
Many of the students of astrology, mistakes being carried away by the Arab points,
black and white Moon Midpoint, in this case can not be extracted from maps
information that gives the Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Moon, and even completely
neglect the influence of the Sun sign, which in principle gives about 60-75%
nature and characteristics of the individual.
So if you are already familiar with the astrological influence of other factors, Chiron
be your actual key with which
can solve their own destiny. If, however, has not yet mastered the basic elements of good
astrological knowledge only Chiron, by itself does not allow look behind the veil of the future
or unlock the mysteries that lie in the past.
Transit Chiron on radiksnomu Sun.
Gives ambivalence and instability in the manifestation of the spiritual and creative energy, the gap between wishes and possibilities, intricate relationships with children and lovers, children on the side.

Transit Chiron radiksnoy on the moon.
Gives emotional instability, a lot of experience, especially on the road or over cases involving their relatives. Man can easily resolve any controversy, has adopted a policy of diplomacy.

Transit Chiron on radiksnomu Mercury.
gives one possibility to make good use of connection, it is easy to tie a new relationship, act in the circumstances, achieving success in business entrepreneurship, trade, publishing and writing activities and other characteristics of Mercury. A person may feel unwell during air travel, confusing situation.

Transit Chiron radiksnoy on Venus.
Gives dual love relationships, unstable, inharmonious environment around, the choice between his wife and mistress, smoothing Relations between his wife and mother. With a negative aspect - a lot of love affairs, the companies sprees.

Transit Chiron radiksnomu on Mars.
gives one bad activity, waste energy on pointless conflicts tearing apart, grabbing a few cases, getting the shocks and setbacks. Danger attacks, robberies, fraud, traffic accidents.

Transit Chiron radiksnomu on Jupiter.
Gives tangled relationship with the boss, authority, unstable authorities, attempts to reconcile the warring parties, a change of work, legal affairs. Man fights for justice, often unsuccessfully.

Transit Chiron to radiksnomu Saturn.
limits the ability to express themselves actively, it is difficult to assert their views and beliefs, difficult relationships with others, conflicts or uncompromising situation, not giving the right to choose, difficulties at work and in public life. Danger of falling from height, misery on the road, movements.

Transit Chiron to Uranus radiksnomu.
easily permits intricate conflicting situations unexpectedly sharp turns in life aside freedom and independence, getting out of custody and enforcement provisions. Some tendency towards reckless, careless actions, what then sorry. Danger from electrical engineering, from the winds, hurricanes, air travel.

Transit Chiron on radiksnomu Neptune.
Allows you to adjust, maneuver, mask, to expose other people's secrets. The negative aspects facing treachery and deceit, gets in a dependent position, making debts, live under duress, the family secrets emerge from it, dual relationships, disingenuous.

Transit Chiron radiksnomu on Pluto.
enables a person skillfully adapted to the masses, to the team, manage the group energy, causing the other to work for themselves or actively show, playing on the contradictions, finding the right social stream and acquiring popularity and prosperity.
The negative aspects - the gap between personal interests and team, a person can not control the energy of the team and influence the social events. He loses his prestige and respect, he is convicted, expose, force leave work.

Transit Chiron on radiksnoy Proserpine.
Unexpected irreversible upheavals associated with the rupture of established relationships: varies circle of friends, new friends, old job quit or was fired - on a new hard to get. May be drawn into a senseless adventure or do unnecessary purchases. May lose money.

Transit Chiron by Chiron radiksnomu.
reinforces all the quality radiksnogo Chiron, making it more active.

Transit Chiron on radiksnomu Rahu.
people actively adapt to any position, able to become free and independent, to join the desired flow and stay ahead. Has a dual policy, skillfully maneuvering.

Transit Chiron on radiksnomu Ketu.
not change, can not adapt, coordinate their actions. Man becomes timid and doubtful, his actions are contradictory, which violates the steady contacts with the environment.

Transit Chiron to radiksnoy Lilith.
duality and confusion in all of life's problems and situations. Unable to distinguish lies from truth, bad from the good, the true motifs from false ones. Lives in an atmosphere of deception: his cheating, he is cheating. Craving for pretentiousness, bad deeds, from which derives pleasure.

Transit Chiron to radiksnoy Selene.
person high-level knowledge of the law gives the highest diplomatic and tactical capabilities for light cases. Earthly man gets otherworldly experience he has in his favor public opinion, engaged in missionary activity, shares his experience.

Transit Chiron by radiksnomu ASC.
The character and personality changes: a person becomes more unstable, moody, childish, opinion and outright changes tack depending on the situation. Can be taken immediately for a few cases and none to complete. Tired of the failures and uncertainty.

Transit Chiron on radiksnomu DSC.
worsening conflict with society, public opinion against the person. Instability in relationships with partners, with her husband.

Transit Chiron by radiksnomu MS.
Period skillful maneuvering in the real-life situations to achieve the goal, you can change goals. Quick response to changing social conditions and environment. Skillfully uses the connection, and even secret methods for achieving goals, especially - to seize power.
When the negative aspects - complicated relationships and intrigue at work. Can use other people's ideas for their own personal goals for advancement.

Transit Chiron on radiksnomu IC.
duality and confusion in dealing with relatives in their own home. In the positive aspects with a strong Chiron has occult significance, gives man deep wisdom, a secret knowledge of karmic ties, prophetic abilities.

/ Information taken from /


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