Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pearl Jam Best Bootleg

So what Arkan Tarot - corresponds with Chiron?

Chiron included Fish . First degree of Pisces, which is Chiron in opposition to the Sun (in Virgo) in the horoscope. Interestingly, the this opposition was at

Mother Teresa in horoscope of birth (08/26/1910). Attributing it to a saint in 2003, happened when Mars held by Chiron. And here's how treats this opozitsiyu one of the authors of the book I bought: Interest "links" Mother Teresa pursued all his life. That's the verdict of the Sun-Chiron opozitsiii.

In 1928 leaving it out of their homeland, Macedonia, to make their living purpose: to become a missionary (which she certainly does not know yet, but "it" is Mother Teresa in advance).

future opposition Chiron and Sun , affect primarily born under the sign of Virgo , in August (and then a little later) in early September. You need to be alert to the that there may be moments of "separation" of parting with a loved one (this may be family or father's home. If we consider that in astrology Under the Sun is often understood father-figure), separation from their homeland, and thus a possible emigration or moving away from their homes or from places where people live now and they have become for him "like family" ... Also - in connection with the subject sign of Pisces : not be excluded that people deep in his soul will fight with its dual, "the dark duality", which is the "brake" for further development cheloveka.

Nizhe kursivom January privozhu description oppositions Girona with Solntsem , vzyatoe the forum oculus .

Oppozitsiya Chiron with Sun.

Man with the natal opposition of Chiron to the Sun - a fighter in the struggle of life. Sooner or later, before it gets life problem that must be solved. Prior to its decision, it is in constant tension, and every moment ready to fight. Character while tempers in clashes enemies, disease and difficult circumstances. Enemies respected this man.

Probably inner spiritual struggle between the desire to overcome their incompetence in the field, this position of Chiron, and the motivation to step aside to avoid a sick place and ignore it.

Owner opposition of Chiron to the Sun in a natal chart usually has the sound principles on which refuses to very difficult.

contacts with society for these people is very important because they secretly crave the support and a strong rear. In this regard, great importance is the position of a marriage partner. "

Chiron doubles the value of the house where he was in the natal chart, that is, depending on the house - a man need to be happy - two family, two jobs and so forth

So what is the Arkan Tarot - corresponds Chiron?

-That's what I think about matching Arcana Tarot Planet Chiron:

major symbolic significance Chiron - choice. Select by Chiron - primarily associated with the task "to give up too much, unnecessarily." So it CA "LOVERS" ! Chiron - it's the law, and hence is associated with CA "Top. Priest. " Exaltation Chiron in Sagittarius . Chiron - it law and Sagittarius - it is the legislature, the Duma, the senate, the clergy. Here laws are doing, or hear the voice of God. Than any planet on the throne. And people Sagittarius have it all originally, by birth, and at worst (and sometimes even better) live by its laws. Agree, that would dictate law man must inspire confidence and authority, in addition to all other advantages. In other words, if you want to achieve concrete results and that either implement the functions Chiron , then get ready for what she it will happen in Sagittarius , ninth house or with people with those expressed signs. Plus - Libra and 7th House course . Chiron - this is a dual sign (in the sense of the complexity of the internal system) - Then it CA "Top. Priestess », Chiron - it Akash , then it is again CA" Top. Priestess », and finally Chiron - this knowledge and thinking, the ability to think and understand and systematize their knowledge, then it CA "Hermit ». Chiron -and physician, healer Hence CA Mag!

Chiron symbolizes «gash» , designated to home horoscope, where he is. Chiron son of Titan and he is immortal, in mythology, which means he will have to live with his "injury" for life, taking everything as it is ... -= "Through suffering - To the light. " The word «gash» understood in the esoteric aspect: inherited the problem, karmic load Given in this life, and hence his karmic destiny, which emphasizes through position of Chiron in the horoscope. A also - Chiron position show, where he was suffering and rescue or relief can get, but not limited to this: where he Chiron may cause who then wound or release, relieve from the "wound" someone.

Pavel Globa believes that Chiron (In conjunction with Jupiter) is a key planet in the horoscope Astrological . I personally (from my observations) can only confirm this and give their full agreement with this statement.

Post this done under the influence bought the book as I saw in the store, but not buying, sorry about it later. A book where it disappeared. And so on recently accidentally walked into a book - and voila, it gets me in the eye. Of course I immediately get. 18 известных астрологов пишут свое видение Хирона.    Предыдущий пост о Хироне, надеюсь будет полезен многим читающим мой журнал.



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