Mysteries of Egypt. whole complex of pyramids in Giza a stone observatory, which is in the book, the reference which is shown below, the reader will reveal quite widely.
"Whoever held the dedication of the ancient mysteries, and gave a solemn oath never reveal what happened to him in the sacred precincts ... Each year in the commission of the mysteries of the right to pass the initiation awarded only few ... none of the ancient authors and do not leave full and consistent description of these mysteries, so sacred to each of them was given vow ... In the early, purely spiritual its stage, these mysteries pursued lofty goals of the religious, philosophical and moral character. "Good luck, a survivor, what you could not know before, from the person you turned to God "- words heard in parting on, past the highest stage of the Orphic Mysteries " (p. 267-268). P. Branton
For a person of any class, from the simple to the highly educated, those words sound strange, because that can be hidden from society, if you took on the knowledge on the moral and spiritual purity, since these moral norms of spiritual purity and is in society? And what is it that the neophyte, novice should be experienced during the mysteries, which he previously did not know did not know now what should be secret?
to such questions we can answer only if We know that Dedicated knew the secret of sexuality and how it (sexuality) to transform into divine energy, so that from a man turn into a god. And since sexuality is key to life and death, the neophyte student teaches beginning to impose a ban on sexuality that the key to death was immured. And only when the neophyte took on a certain potential of spiritual energy, it opened in the Mysteries in the key of sexual contact life. But since contact with the student teacher was gay (homosexual), then this student, the novice and had to be silent, giving the teacher an oath and vow silence. Who would not give such a pledge, he ceased to be a student teacher, translated to another teacher for the purchase of a temple of profession: carver, sculptor, scribe, architect-builder, an economist, etc.
During this initiation, gay mystery, the novice (neophyte) is indeed experienced what he did not know before and had no idea, since all sexual manifestations were placed bans.
According to Greek mythology, we we see that the gods make love for both heterosexual and homosexual. And if novice of the ordinary man transformed into a god, it's just and indicates that the novice (adept) received a key to eternal life, which is concealed in the genitalia (phallus). This is the key of life can open up the student (Adept) only teacher, dedicated, Hierophant. Because of the mismanagement of the phallus during sexual relations (onanisticheskih, heterosexual, homosexual), key life becomes a key death.
Only on the basis of the foregoing, we can see why the Mysteries were secret, and the stage of initiation was to test a student on the strength of spirit, willpower, patience, tolerance and silence.
It is no accident Pythagoras vyprovazhivaya undesirables from his school, used to say:
"Not every tree is fit to make him the Mercury" (p. 268)
«The word" mystery "comes from the Greek muo, «close your mouth, and every symbol connected with them, had a hidden meaning. Mystery - a kind of ceremonies that took place in ancient times as a dramatized representations. The main feature of the Mysteries was the personification of cosmic laws and mysteries of nature in the form of certain characters, whose role performed by the priests and neophytes. The rituals of the Mysteries mostly kept secret from the uninitiated. Allegorical fable of Mysteries, as a rule, corresponded Situations from the life of gods and goddesses, the secret meaning of the value of which was explained to candidates for ordination and was the basis for future philosophical doctrines. In the Mysteries by the dramatized representations and other techniques were taught the origin of things, the nature of the human spirit, his attitude to the human body, its methods of purification and return to a higher life. Mysteries were played, usually in the temples in a strictly scheduled time Only individuals who had undergone the necessary ritual of initiation. The main purpose of the Mysteries was the training of candidates for the priestly Sana'a and conduct selection of the most worthy of further initiation. - / E. Blavatsky's Theosophical Dictionary »/
But, as Jesus Christ said, there is nothing hidden that will not become clear, so in our modern era, all the esoteric (secret) knowledge has become to acquire exoteric character.
Among the few foreigners who were allowed to go through this Egyptian initiation, may be called Plato, Pythagoras, Thales, Lycurgus, Solon, Iamblichus, Plutarch and Herodotus "(p. 255-258).
P. Branton
Based on the foregoing, we become intelligible words Apuleius: "And the speech and hearing will be overwhelmed by sin, if I agree to meet such a reckless curiosity. "For the teacher to student imposes restrictions on sexuality, gluttony, all worldly antics, considering all of this sin. Layman, knowing it all still live in these sins. And if the layman to talk about the dedication, where you have to take sexy, then indeed we are hearing and laymen will be amazed sin. Therefore, about sexuality during initiations always held back, and he gave the novice a vow of silence about it. That's why all devoted to talking Only the uninitiated what they saw during their stay in a dead sleep, and all the intimate love held back. For the initiate ever told that if he were someone else opens the secret of their love relationships with teachers, thereby it will terminate energy communication with the teacher and spiritual fall down, losing gradually all that he has acquired close to the teacher and thanks to the Teacher. Any dedicated, keeping this secret, he could, wherever he was on the territory of the Earth, anywhere in the world, always go to the contact with the teacher and receive the necessary assistance and spiritual knowledge. But if on blurts about intimate relationships with the Master, then he lost power contact with a teacher and could not at the right time to get help from teachers and spiritual knowledge, and in the eyes of the laity from losing their moral purity and discredited himself as a spiritual teacher. Aware of the opportunity this fall in a society dedicated to silent about the intimate, that should only come from his heart. For from the moment of initiations the initiate himself stands on the tip of a razor blade and continues on his walk to the light. And from any pronunciation loses his balance, and dedicated itself can either be cut off, or fall into the abyss. To avoid such unpleasant consequences on was forced to silent. Dedicated could no longer play with fire (sexuality) for reckless fun. After all, sexy - this is the atomic bomb that could explode and destroy the person because of allegedly harmless pranks.
P. Branton confirms that our thoughts, saying:
"And since then dedicated to consistently apply the effect of the Hierophant, whose efforts have been undertaken this commitment. Mentor and the student joins the now invisible, but very deep and intimate connection ... He saw heaven and hell and knew some of their secrets. Usually, he solemnly promised not to reveal these secrets to the uninitiated " (p. 277)
That dedication included hidden sexual aspect, allegorically indicates P. Branton in the following information:
"That, as we know, was both the god of wisdom and secret teaching ... He was also lord of the moon, so all the magic and secret religious ceremony (and first of all, the initiation into the mysteries) were carried out at night and only at a time when the moon becomes of force - that is, the new moon and full moon " (p. 312).
As and P. Branton," we "(meaning interpretation by the author here) understand that Moses is one of the Initiates and is the most significant personality of those who have ever gone through a dead sleep initiation. But we do not believe that Moses was in Egypt, the highest of Dedication. For Dedicated to the higher level, the role of the Hierophant never rise on a path leading the role of the Governor, Commander, and yet Moses certainly had these state officials. Dedicated to the Great is always in the shadow, not pretending no matter what the structure of state power, that is not seeking to gain earthly power and earthly wealth. Moses opened the way to the Jewish people to God through Law, the Ten Commandments, for which under the mask of God may be hiding a particular hierarchy, which was presented to Moses as the Lord Jehovah (Jehovah). But this Hierarchy may be the devil - Fire Hierarch.
That Jesus Christ is the great Initiate, truly the Son of God, for He gave the commandment of love is not only one "elected" people and all humanity. Must do so every Dedicated, because for him there is no nations, peoples, races, to lift some and humiliate others; for him all are equal, because every man is a spark of God.
It is for mankind each dedicated to leave their spiritual work, in which way or another point of view, using symbolic figurative language, reveals the way in the world of grace, joy and happiness, that is how you can become God-man.
Moses after himself left the Jewish people the Torah (Pentateuch), Jesus Christ - the Gospel, which recorded his disciples, the apostles, but Imhotep has left 42 books, and perhaps Book of the Dead "also belongs to his pen. For in the Book of the Dead "collected the sacred Egyptian texts.
Referring to the works of Blavatsky and E. Roerich in his preface to his book "The Ecumenical mysteries of the pyramids and Atlantis, the aforementioned authors write that" Atlantis survived four cataclysm that changed its mainland. Egypt became a colony of Atlantis after the second accident of its mainland, and the age of the Great Pyramid was not 3-4 thousand years, according to official science, and 200 thousand years, and established it was Initiates Atlanta in anticipation of future cosmic catastrophes "(p. 5)
And then, based on data academician of the Academy of Energy Science N. Sochevanova in September 1995, of its proposed tables, we learn that "from paragraph 5 of the table that the Egyptian Sphinx was built before the pyramids and Flood and production time took more than a thousand years "(p. 9).
That is, according to this table, the Sphinx of Egypt began to build the 44.2 thousand years BC, and completed only after 1200 years, Egyptian Pyramids themselves (though not yet known what the pyramid) have started to erect 32,3 thousand years BC and their construction has ended after 150 years. A "Flood" (Noevsky), it turns out, the land was 24,3 thousand years BC Along the way, here we note that the Pyramids and Sphinx on Mars were built 32,3-24,5 thousand years BC Such data could not help lead to the conclusion that the Egyptian pyramids at Giza and the Pyramids of Mars, has built a civilization of Atlantis.
Then our the authors present material from the book "Thebes" world-renowned philosopher, president of the international organization "New Acropolis" Jorge A. Livraga, which states that "the descendants of Atlantis settled in the area of Thebes after the split of Atlantis on two continents (Ruta and Daitiya) ... The board was erected the Great Pyramid ... She was never intended for burial, as is the material embodiment of knowledge, expressed in terms of its dimensions and their relation ... Gone Goals and was built by the Great Sphinx ... face of the Sphinx has been one of the great features of the Magi - the rulers of Atlantis. As a result of new disasters seabed Saharan Africa has risen, and large areas of land to the north of Europe were under water "(p. 63).
According to E. Blavatsky,
" Pyramids of Egypt were built about 200,000 years ago for 10 thousand years before the second crash of Atlantis " (p. 60).
" In light of the secret philosophy of the Egyptian on W. Harmon extremely thin computing determined that the first ceremony was held in the Pyramid 68,890 years ago, when the star Vega has sent its rays directly into the canal. The pyramid itself was completed in ten or fifteen years prior to this event "(p. 60).
" There is a perception that the word "Sphinx" is not of Egyptian origin. In Egypt, a figure that consists of two parts of different entities called "shesep-ankh," or "shesep-ankh, which means" living image. " Meant, of course, the living image of god or lord. God is often depicted with a human body and the head of a sacred animal. Pharaoh or ruler, although he was considered a vicegerent of God on earth, and even his son, is depicted in reverse order: the head Human-master and animal body "(p. 202) B. Babanin
" we "(again, the author's opinion Pechenkina) should be noted that the gods, depicting the human body and animal head are represented in diverse guises, but the pharaohs (rulers) of Egypt represented in only one guise - the Sphinx. Hence, the Sphinx - a synthesis two or three or four different entities - most likely does not belong to the Pharaohs, and one person - the Teacher, the Messiah, the Son of God. For the Son of God is "living image" or "lifestyle" or "The path to eternal life." Even the term "Horemhet" in Greek "Harmasis", meaning "mountains on the horizon," which satisfied the investigators in relation to the Sphinx, again, does not contradict what we have above expressed. For Gore - the son of the god Osiris and the goddess Isis - is precisely the image of the Son of God, Teacher Messiah, as the god of light (the sun). That is why Jesus Christ the Son of God is compared to the Solar Logos, as a lifestyle.
In all probability, if the Sphinx enclosed in a single entity two (three or four) different entities, this indicates that the deity (hermaphroditism). It is no accident that in ancient times (in Attica and other peoples) there was a cult worship of a hermaphrodite, who were considered gods, who came to earth. For the gods were considered androgynous, bisexual. B. Babanin wrote:
"As an androgyne - bisexual people, about their existence are trumpeting all the sacred books, and devoted all times and peoples" (p. 199). B. Babanin
Speaking of androgyny and hermaphroditism, we need to know that on the material, earthly level, this is not the same thing. As androgynous - a person, as we have clarified which from the outside is a man, but inside - a woman. And here is a hermaphrodite - a bisexual being, that is, a man with the outside as the female sex symptoms and male.
Adept, neophyte, becoming an initiate, can not become a hermaphrodite, because he has only one, the male sex characteristics, but through the initiation (mysteries), he becomes an androgyne, combining a bisexual: front - man, and behind - the woman. But the Sphinx is precisely a androgyny (bisexual). About this Babanin B. writes:
"the figure of [the Sphinx], consisting of a male being in front and behind the female (if it is the lioness), seemed to say that initiates and gods possess opposite qualities. Pharaohs often included as one of its sacred attributes of the tail of a lioness cows or other animals (it was fixed back) were men and women behind the front " (p. 208). V. Babanin
Thereby priests, pharaohs not only imitated the androgyne, but also directly specifies the attributes that they are androgynous.
Next B. Babanin reports that
"about the reality of the existence of bisexual" gods "- newcomers from other worlds may reflect information received by Herodotus, during his visit to Egypt in the V century BC The priests found it necessary to show the "father of history" statues of the gods 345 - kings of men born without the participation of women. They reigned before Menes, the founder of the I dynasty of pharaohs, each had their name and history life. Their descendants, as well as their new incarnation on earth were the Egyptian pharaohs I and II even dynasties, and later dispersed among other peoples and countries " (s.198)
reader, if he did not initiate, when to get acquainted with such information, be able to take her "face value" as a reality, but in fact this information is described bestowal language. There are no statues of gods, aliens in the number 345, who were born in human form without the participation of women in general were not. This information refers to the Initiates, who knew the essence of the numbers 3, 4 and 5 and their relationship to each other 3:4:5 and 3:5. These numbers are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle, which will acquire later called "Egyptian triangle". But this triangle is an integral part of Khafre's pyramid as a symbol of the device Universe, where the number 4 is a square, the base, the foundation of the Universe, Figure 3 - triangle (isosceles or equilateral), as a symbol of the Spirit Rising from all four corners (North, South, East, West) in all four elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air), figure 5 - the sum of all sides of the pyramid (1 Base + 4 side side) - this is the Way, the key to understanding the Universe and transform the human into a god (see our first book on the pyramids, pp. 189 and 210).
The words "god-aliens" Initiates must be understood that arrived from different corners of the earth, so that through apprenticeship and dedication to acquire the quality of the gods, that is to become androgyne, passing the "death" and rebirth. For just these adepts, neophytes born gods, androgynous (dedicated) without the participation of women, but under the leadership of the Hierophant (Male), who is androgynous.
"They have reigned before Menes," - points to the fact that schools were Dedications to the Pharaoh Menes. And each dedicated to a truly had his name and his life story. Same words: "Their descendants, as well as their new incarnation on earth were the Egyptian pharaohs I and II even dynasties, and later dissipated among other peoples and countries ", - indicate the birth of other schools of Initiation, bearing a succession of the truth, which is in the form of divine knowledge passed from teacher to student. Students become Initiates, he could now open his own school dedicated to both in this country, where he received his knowledge, so and beyond. Since the school Dedications spread across the earth.
completely - the book Pechenkina