Friday, October 29, 2010

Orange Ear Bearded Dragon

Nibiru - a mysterious planet

Planet X - Nibiru (Nibiru)

NASA recognized the possibility (in 1982) the existence of yet another new planet in the solar system. A year later (1983) NASA запускает IRAS (Инфракрасный Искусственный Спутник) который засек очень большой объект. The Washington Post подвела итог интервью с ученым из программы JPL IRAS.

Небесное тело возможно Larger than the giant Jupiter, and possibly in size to as close to Earth, may be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of Orion orbiting telescope.
"All I can say is that we do not know what it is," - said Gerry Niugbauer Senior Fellow Program IRAS. All Governments know this and they are taking vigorous steps to survive and preserve their power when a Planet X (Nibiru).
They know that can not save everyone, but only those considered to be worthy of salvation. They have a plan, and you have one? Or you can go away quietly in the darkness, because you were thrown?

What is Nibiru (Nibiru)?
First Nibiru is one of many planets orbiting a dark star or brown dwarf. This Dark Star has five minor planets, sixth planet earth the size of the Motherland, and the seventh planet or object that we call Nibiru (Nibiru).
homeland in many ways similar to the Earth and the place where Ennaneki Giants or the old gods live there. Nibiru mostly not suitable for life and basically serves as a battle station or spaceship.

When the dark star is at perihelion (closest to the Sun point of the orbit of a celestial body) in 60 or 70 pairs., the orbit of Nibiru, which is 60 pairs. from its star, has a large orbit in order to pass through our solar system is usually near Jupiter's orbit, but everything can change.

orbital inclination Nibiru (Nibiru) about 30 degrees to the plane of motion of the Sun or the ecliptic. Since Nibiru passes through our solar system, moving in the opposite direction in relation to other planets, it sometimes moves the orbit of the planet, being the main reason for making the destruction.

Its passage has a big impact, but transiently and only takes a few weeks or months in most cases it disappears from sight. Nibiru a red flame on color, with fragmentation train and flying around a few satellites.
Nibiru and its moons the perpetrators of such incidents as the destruction of Maldek, which is now an asteroid belt. She also cause craters or surface cracks on the Moon and planets of our solar system, and change their tilt axis and orbits.
She culprit disappearance of Atlantis and the endless floods. It is a link between our solar system and the dark star or Stars - Brown Dwarf.

Nibiru was known as the winged (or horny) drive in the Earth's past people.

Fact: as soon as Nibiru invaded the solar system, She quickly accelerated below the ecliptic, passes behind and below the sun before going back and proiti bottom of the sun at an angle of 33 degrees.
Now NASA is watching Nibiru with the help of the new SPT (South Pole Telescope Area) telescope at the South Pole.

the first time people will be able to see Nibiru every day from May 15, 2009 as a faint reddish object. He will move straight on the Earth's orbit. This means that until 2009 the only opportunity to see him just being in the southern hemisphere.

By May 2011 it will be possible to observe naked eye to all the people of the planet. December 21, 2012 Nibiru (Nibiru) will pass through the ecliptic of the planet as a bright red star and will appear as the second but the size of sun. Reach earthquakes and bad weather starts.

But the worst, but come February 14, 2013, Earth will pass between Nibiru and the Sun. Poles move tilt of the planet will change! Great changes on Earth, large earthquakes and tsunamis held the most powerful in the world!
After July 1, 2014 Nibiru will no longer terrorize our world and move away from our part of the galaxy. NASA knows about Nibiru, but not to cause panic to hide the truth from people!

Knowledgeable people from NASA, DoD - National Military Intelligence, SETI, and the CIA admit that 2 / 3 of the world population will die during the change of poles from the passage of Nibiru.

Another 2 / 3 of those who survive, in the early waiting for hunger and death within 6 months!
most secretive U.S. government agency is well aware of what to expect and prepare for it. Vatican has the same information. The population will not be warned and will not be given the chance to train!
volume of incoming information from knowledgeable people, observatories and the Vatican is a broad stream. The most important story on earth for 3000 years, quickly freed from the shackles of the rulers of the financial markets.

So that there is still time to prepare and to this disaster. Anyway, we should see this red planet in the blue sky of the Earth. We will be watching this new possible accidents and keep everyone in the thick of things.

here - the source


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