"Last week, former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov visited the British Embassy. He's like an ordinary citizen stood in line for filling out and putting fingerprints.
- From Austria English visa, he can not get - said Life News senior Moscow City Hall. - So he returned to the capital and went to the embassy.
In England now Time is Luzhkov's wife Elena Baturin.
- They've got a mansion, - the government of the capital - despite the fact that they have long been trying to distance itself on his English estate.
is noteworthy that no privileges for a visa at the Yuri Luzhkov was not. And he had to stand in line.
However, Yuri Luzhkov, a longtime friend of Joseph Kobzon says that this trip is connected with a desire to see his family. Maitre convinced that talking about immigration is not.
- It is always said he wants to stay in Russia - said the singer of Life News, - and emigrate to England will not be ".
Hence, Luzhkov has filed papers to enter Britain
Continuing my post on the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov made to this scenario. From which, according to my interpretation, it follows: the position of looking at his hand saying that the former mayor Capital expects shortly to emigrate. more - in this post
continue to monitor events and to see how to recoup cards.
Part - I
Part - II
Part - III
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