Democracy for dead
Although we have entered an era posttelesnuyu or shower, the impetus for this revolution were the cause of quite tangible. Due to the overpopulation of the planet cost of space to bury the body on cemetery has reached such a height that only the rich and eminent personalities could afford such an unheard of luxury. The rich, it takes a huge part of their state, while the latter was buried at public expense. Place in the cemetery were sold and resold for fabulous sum. Concerns that have captured this business into their own hands, become the largest multinational enterprises. Their dominance has meant that began the mass movement for the replacement of cemeteries bodies to the cemetery shower, that is, the storage memory of personal computers deceased, giving them the status of the sacred institutions of their own policies and procedures.
benefit of such a revolution was obvious, as in a room area of 100 square meters could bury billions of souls, whereas for burial so many bodies would have required all of Europe. Even in the case of industrial development for the crematory urns containing the ashes of burned area would be required the size of France. In addition, the soul can be kept forever, while the body rot in a few years.
In a remarkably short period of time in the burial of a shower was reached the highest level of technology and the ideal social order. Companies in this business are examples of not only technological, and economic progress. About the size of small rooms for a shower rose gigantic housing offices and banks.
Although place in the cemetery shower was worth considerably less expensive than a place in the cemetery of bodies, yet prices remained high. Living citizens saved their entire life on it to save my immortal per capita in the materialized form forever. To ensure that the nightmare of a happy old age, pursuing living since birth, joined the security nightmare material ideal eternity of the soul.
There was a special sphere of insurance - insurance of the soul. Since it was not about a few years of the transitory body and the eternal life of the soul, the amount of insurance wasps significantly exceeded the amount of life insurance. Spending on it won first place in the cost of the average zapadoida.
owners souls were initially only relatives of the deceased. But later was permitted for sale shower. Gradually the huge mass of showers concentrated in the possession of large firms and corporations. Finally cleaned up the cemetery concerns this whole business to the hands. The primary owners of showers turned to small shareholders, or generally lost ownership of them.
Scientists have developed a special spider, as the most reasonable and cost-effectively fill the soul. Considerations about frugality were unnecessary, since the owners of a shower even with an unusually high ability to think and talk were not able to fill, and a tenth of the volume the soul, not turning it off all day. As for filling the soul of reasonableness, the recommendations of scientists have proven useful. As millions of studied Shower represented the repetition of a small number of the same pattern of elements, was created a single directory of mental units. People had only dial numbers in these units. It was enough for only a few seconds to record information about the lived day.
Among the inherent, innate, sacred and the inviolability of human rights was made more thing - the right of citizens of AP on writing down information about his life in his personal or public computers, from the first cheep newborn and ending the last dying wheeze.
[...] Then we went to the other steps and postshagi democratization and without excessive zademokratizirovannogo Western society, so that the West was the best of all worlds, not only for living but also for the dead. And even in a much greater degree for the dead; than for the living. Democracy for the living has become a short-term preparation for the eternal democracy dead.
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