Friday, October 29, 2010
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Progress made of human potential and is largely redundant in fact, in the course of employment activities, and bloated freedom was simply giving the people themselves.
Granted people themselves is a powerful tool manipulation and management only in terms of our Western society, and not at all. It assumes a certain lifestyle, certain conditions labor, a culture, indoctrination, the means of entertainment, a form of communication, etc. People here, on the one hand, immersed in the environment of Western society with all its influences and temptations, with its system of values, its social structure, political and civic life, and on the other hand, people in that environment on his own in the sense that he must somehow get out from sinking into a quicksand on the surface on some life-saving bump.
Left to himself man must make an effort to absorb all his powers to overcome this unbearable state of being and becoming, provided by his own free will in order for someone else to exchange their personal freedom, we believe the greatest value of human life, on anything, if only it created a sense of, or at least the illusion of attention to it as a really existing individual. Left to himself man only illusory free. In fact, he is a potential slave, seeking to become a slave to the actual and suffering, if he fails.
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Planet X - Nibiru (Nibiru)
NASA recognized the possibility (in 1982) the existence of yet another new planet in the solar system. A year later (1983) NASA запускает IRAS (Инфракрасный Искусственный Спутник) который засек очень большой объект. The Washington Post подвела итог интервью с ученым из программы JPL IRAS.
Небесное тело возможно Larger than the giant Jupiter, and possibly in size to as close to Earth, may be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of Orion orbiting telescope.
"All I can say is that we do not know what it is," - said Gerry Niugbauer Senior Fellow Program IRAS. All Governments know this and they are taking vigorous steps to survive and preserve their power when a Planet X (Nibiru).
They know that can not save everyone, but only those considered to be worthy of salvation. They have a plan, and you have one? Or you can go away quietly in the darkness, because you were thrown?
What is Nibiru (Nibiru)?
First Nibiru is one of many planets orbiting a dark star or brown dwarf. This Dark Star has five minor planets, sixth planet earth the size of the Motherland, and the seventh planet or object that we call Nibiru (Nibiru).
homeland in many ways similar to the Earth and the place where Ennaneki Giants or the old gods live there. Nibiru mostly not suitable for life and basically serves as a battle station or spaceship.
When the dark star is at perihelion (closest to the Sun point of the orbit of a celestial body) in 60 or 70 pairs., the orbit of Nibiru, which is 60 pairs. from its star, has a large orbit in order to pass through our solar system is usually near Jupiter's orbit, but everything can change.
orbital inclination Nibiru (Nibiru) about 30 degrees to the plane of motion of the Sun or the ecliptic. Since Nibiru passes through our solar system, moving in the opposite direction in relation to other planets, it sometimes moves the orbit of the planet, being the main reason for making the destruction.
Its passage has a big impact, but transiently and only takes a few weeks or months in most cases it disappears from sight. Nibiru a red flame on color, with fragmentation train and flying around a few satellites.
Nibiru and its moons the perpetrators of such incidents as the destruction of Maldek, which is now an asteroid belt. She also cause craters or surface cracks on the Moon and planets of our solar system, and change their tilt axis and orbits.
She culprit disappearance of Atlantis and the endless floods. It is a link between our solar system and the dark star or Stars - Brown Dwarf.
Nibiru was known as the winged (or horny) drive in the Earth's past people.
Fact: as soon as Nibiru invaded the solar system, She quickly accelerated below the ecliptic, passes behind and below the sun before going back and proiti bottom of the sun at an angle of 33 degrees.
Now NASA is watching Nibiru with the help of the new SPT (South Pole Telescope Area) telescope at the South Pole.
the first time people will be able to see Nibiru every day from May 15, 2009 as a faint reddish object. He will move straight on the Earth's orbit. This means that until 2009 the only opportunity to see him just being in the southern hemisphere.
By May 2011 it will be possible to observe naked eye to all the people of the planet. December 21, 2012 Nibiru (Nibiru) will pass through the ecliptic of the planet as a bright red star and will appear as the second but the size of sun. Reach earthquakes and bad weather starts.
But the worst, but come February 14, 2013, Earth will pass between Nibiru and the Sun. Poles move tilt of the planet will change! Great changes on Earth, large earthquakes and tsunamis held the most powerful in the world!
After July 1, 2014 Nibiru will no longer terrorize our world and move away from our part of the galaxy. NASA knows about Nibiru, but not to cause panic to hide the truth from people!
Knowledgeable people from NASA, DoD - National Military Intelligence, SETI, and the CIA admit that 2 / 3 of the world population will die during the change of poles from the passage of Nibiru.
Another 2 / 3 of those who survive, in the early waiting for hunger and death within 6 months!
most secretive U.S. government agency is well aware of what to expect and prepare for it. Vatican has the same information. The population will not be warned and will not be given the chance to train!
volume of incoming information from knowledgeable people, observatories and the Vatican is a broad stream. The most important story on earth for 3000 years, quickly freed from the shackles of the rulers of the financial markets.
So that there is still time to prepare and to this disaster. Anyway, we should see this red planet in the blue sky of the Earth. We will be watching this new possible accidents and keep everyone in the thick of things.
here - the source
Thursday, October 28, 2010
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... are actually as common in Jerusalem's busses and streets as they are around the # Panke, contrary to what they suggest us in the media. Even with excellent underwear! Could not spot a single Burkah here so far, though. Beggars so only a few.
Makes me think on one too many levels ...
on the road by LjBeetle
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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The two free-range rooster here in the backyard of the hotel are more effective at waking in the morning at four, as the muezzin in Jerusalem yesterday. Since it is dark in 20 minutes, the time is even ok. It has to get up so no.
The coexistence of chickens and cats seems to work somehow, and that despite the absence of a higher intelligence! Probably one of them could even learn something, but multicultural platitudes Drain is so much easier ... and introduces more, bottom line.
on the road by LjBeetle
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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"Last week, former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov visited the British Embassy. He's like an ordinary citizen stood in line for filling out and putting fingerprints.
- From Austria English visa, he can not get - said Life News senior Moscow City Hall. - So he returned to the capital and went to the embassy.
In England now Time is Luzhkov's wife Elena Baturin.
- They've got a mansion, - the government of the capital - despite the fact that they have long been trying to distance itself on his English estate.
is noteworthy that no privileges for a visa at the Yuri Luzhkov was not. And he had to stand in line.
However, Yuri Luzhkov, a longtime friend of Joseph Kobzon says that this trip is connected with a desire to see his family. Maitre convinced that talking about immigration is not.
- It is always said he wants to stay in Russia - said the singer of Life News, - and emigrate to England will not be ".
Hence, Luzhkov has filed papers to enter Britain
Continuing my post on the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov made to this scenario. From which, according to my interpretation, it follows: the position of looking at his hand saying that the former mayor Capital expects shortly to emigrate. more - in this post
continue to monitor events and to see how to recoup cards.
Part - I
Part - II
Part - III
De Hierro De Fútbol De Comerciantes
Originally posted by
could not drag to his magazine. :-)))
Sunday, October 24, 2010
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"Girls judging by your mind, it will be online today, and you're on the job "- (C)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
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I was trying, the words 'Humor' and 'Jewish' have put together, but left it better. Somehow I do not tolerate the word adjective, or * With * one's fast is reluctant. Qed.
I did not know that the quality of uploaded photos is so pathetic.
any event, the signs in front of a 4-star hotel.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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early morning Tel Aviv, tomorrow night, the deep See , the jogs, who it is ;-) Yes, Yad Vashem and Masada come in the plans also. But who knows ...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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All anyone interested in my topic , was talking about here:
proposed book on it: «Lotto und Astrologie - Das Gewinnsystem der Sterne» - Uwe M. Kraus
book in German and I still have most do not. Therefore, if someone is happy owner of this book, I'll be grateful if the share observations and comments for her. Links to other informative sources on Prognosis in lottery games, casinos, or what it other prizes - if you have a chance will be, will very glad to get them from You friends.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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Democracy for dead
Although we have entered an era posttelesnuyu or shower, the impetus for this revolution were the cause of quite tangible. Due to the overpopulation of the planet cost of space to bury the body on cemetery has reached such a height that only the rich and eminent personalities could afford such an unheard of luxury. The rich, it takes a huge part of their state, while the latter was buried at public expense. Place in the cemetery were sold and resold for fabulous sum. Concerns that have captured this business into their own hands, become the largest multinational enterprises. Their dominance has meant that began the mass movement for the replacement of cemeteries bodies to the cemetery shower, that is, the storage memory of personal computers deceased, giving them the status of the sacred institutions of their own policies and procedures.
benefit of such a revolution was obvious, as in a room area of 100 square meters could bury billions of souls, whereas for burial so many bodies would have required all of Europe. Even in the case of industrial development for the crematory urns containing the ashes of burned area would be required the size of France. In addition, the soul can be kept forever, while the body rot in a few years.
In a remarkably short period of time in the burial of a shower was reached the highest level of technology and the ideal social order. Companies in this business are examples of not only technological, and economic progress. About the size of small rooms for a shower rose gigantic housing offices and banks.
Although place in the cemetery shower was worth considerably less expensive than a place in the cemetery of bodies, yet prices remained high. Living citizens saved their entire life on it to save my immortal per capita in the materialized form forever. To ensure that the nightmare of a happy old age, pursuing living since birth, joined the security nightmare material ideal eternity of the soul.
There was a special sphere of insurance - insurance of the soul. Since it was not about a few years of the transitory body and the eternal life of the soul, the amount of insurance wasps significantly exceeded the amount of life insurance. Spending on it won first place in the cost of the average zapadoida.
owners souls were initially only relatives of the deceased. But later was permitted for sale shower. Gradually the huge mass of showers concentrated in the possession of large firms and corporations. Finally cleaned up the cemetery concerns this whole business to the hands. The primary owners of showers turned to small shareholders, or generally lost ownership of them.
Scientists have developed a special spider, as the most reasonable and cost-effectively fill the soul. Considerations about frugality were unnecessary, since the owners of a shower even with an unusually high ability to think and talk were not able to fill, and a tenth of the volume the soul, not turning it off all day. As for filling the soul of reasonableness, the recommendations of scientists have proven useful. As millions of studied Shower represented the repetition of a small number of the same pattern of elements, was created a single directory of mental units. People had only dial numbers in these units. It was enough for only a few seconds to record information about the lived day.
Among the inherent, innate, sacred and the inviolability of human rights was made more thing - the right of citizens of AP on writing down information about his life in his personal or public computers, from the first cheep newborn and ending the last dying wheeze.
[...] Then we went to the other steps and postshagi democratization and without excessive zademokratizirovannogo Western society, so that the West was the best of all worlds, not only for living but also for the dead. And even in a much greater degree for the dead; than for the living. Democracy for the living has become a short-term preparation for the eternal democracy dead.Monday, October 18, 2010
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extremely interested in my new deck - «AKRON Tarot»
Deck recommends in his post
Here you can see all the Arcana of the deck.
In Crowley's system, I basically do not work and Crowley decks I have, although the book "Thoth Tarot" is and even some that read it. But this deck very much wanted to buy myself.
in the deck "Der AKRON Tarot" have two extra cards. One of them - "Dark Child" .
about it, I'll say a few words here.
© This projection of the internal "I ".... Here he is "sproektsirovalsya" and ... he went on to develop character, and its projection (= Dark Child) stayed and began suschestvovat.On inextricably linked to our character, but while living his life. It is growing and ... never grows up. He remains a small child. All mindful of the sometimes moody, sometimes angry, sometimes childish smart, sometimes asking for help and ... sometimes he comes to the rescue and hinting secret. He lost in the labyrinths of the worlds, he was lonely and at the same time he «Knowing» , because him much more open and visible. "As far as - You may ask - it's small - this child? "
-" It's at everyone. In some it will be a small pre-school age, others - already a teenager, and still others may still quite small, only learned to walk, or vice versa: the teenage years is over, but in adulthood he could not get ".
(you can compare with the shadow of a small man on a sunny day. Shadow reflected on the surface, but when the sun went on = it has not disappeared, no. She suddenly moved to another plane and went to live continue with their lives ...)
... Once I had "seen." There are things that happen to see and casual - haunting and memory and require explanation again and again.
/ © VEGA_STERN. Information authoring, my - a link to my blog / LJ mandatory when reprinting material. The article and the information therein is protected by copyright. /
Steam Mops For Shower Walls
Pressing, and on a giant TV screen there is international women's championship finals in donning and removing pants. Leads, of course, a team in Germany. The speed with which participants Championship perform operations with shorts, truly amazing. It exceeds the rate at which the cowboys of Hollywood westerns pull a revolver from his holster.
"jump" on. Italy. Another government crisis for some reason did not occur as expected. Consequently, there was a government crisis, but not one which should have been, and another. Political analysts predict that this crisis will be protracted and the result is the crisis breaks out, What was supposed to launch earlier.
England. Due to the fact that in most cases, the heirs of the English throne did not live up to the fact to become kings, they were numbered. He died a century, Prince Charles forties. Charles became heir to the octogenarian Forty-first. In all likelihood, and this does not become king because the queen promised to live another fifty years. Princes die earlier, as are the modern way of life.
New French president was a native of Africa, Abdul Hasan Narettim. Throughout the AP jubilation. Finally triumphed justice. Native French long becoming a minority in the country and rule the country after all they are.
Chancellor of Germany became the Reps, fellow two and a half feet tall. In the U.S., alarmed, as their president of 50 inches below.
Fortieth series of Hollywood film "The collapse of the last empire." The film - about the collapse of the Soviet Empire at the end of XX century. Historical truth it has no grains. On the other hand used the whole arsenal of tools chained people to screens invisible chain is stronger than it would have made this chain. The film looked more than five billion people.
Football ... Tennis ... Wrestling ... Football ... Dancing ... Tennis ... Flooding ... Earthquake ... Basketball ... Gangster film ... Spy movie ... Erotic film ... Lottery ...
exploded raketolet voyages ... All 1500 passengers and 100 crew members died. According to experts, the bomb in raketolet carried in its own stomach from Mullah Qari. The bomb exploded at a time when the mullah was toilet. The experts base their conclusions on that, then found a hundred kilometers from the explosion of the lower body of Mullah traces of burning.
in U.S. election campaign ahead broke twenty Democrat Notnilk. He promises to reduce the U.S. national debt to 2975000000000000 Dolov to 2,353 trillion, to stop the growth of poverty and unemployment, to defeat the Communists in Cary and to achieve peace in the Middle East.
in the U.S. at the height of summer has begun heavy snowfall. Business life of the country to a standstill. All forces are thrown to the digging of homes, vehicles and people, as well as the removal of snow in Siberia, where all the snow melted. Millions of Americans froze the upper and lower limbs and noses. Half the male population frostbitten genitals. There is a suggestion it - tricks of Russian. They tore a hole in the thermal envelope of the United States. Russian said such rumors are untrue, and asked give credit to one hundred billion Dolov. They further stated that Russia is ready to lend a paw U.S. fraternal assistance, has begun shipping in the U.S. on concessional terms firewood and vodka. In addition, Russia has begun production of fur covers for noses and reproductive organs, as well as delivery in the USA jacket, boots and hats, ushanok preserved in warehouses since the days of Stalin's Gulag.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
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once again return to the subject «significator" and "Pointer» in determining whether a particular in hand. My previous post - HERE
As an example of such a question was asked a girl: In which of the former Soviet Union, was born this girl?
MY ANSWER was: 1) Tajikistan (Tajikistan on I fell significator). Before that, I laid out for all the republics of cards - was falling in the southern republic. That then I was told this southern republic may be the country of the Central Asian republics. - Kazakhstan - 7 Sword, Clown, Kyrgyzstan - 4 to 9 H, Tajikistan - love., Ace cube Uzbekistan - 8 J., RM - Significator it was CA "Lovers."
If we look at - it all starts with the CA "Fool" and ends with them - that is suggestive - Kazakhstan (I added then back at her, because I was not sure entirely in the interpretation and Tajikistan).
Ie CA is "in love" - is significator . And protsentualno - The answer was:
If we consider all the 15 former Soviet republics as 100%, then the answer that had fallen on the two republics of Tajikistan and Kazakhstan * * - 87% accuracy. AND of the remaining 13% percent correct hit was: 50-50. Total, one can say that 93% accuracy, I hit the answer.
Since the correct answer was given a girl - the birth of her was in Kazakhstan.
Actually in analytics - if rendering prediction with a probability of 50% or more drops, then it is very good! On forecasts of 70-80% - can be only dream of!
One hundred per cent prediction is rare, but it certainly happens.
taken into account in the first place :
A) Likelihood answers.
B) Coincidence or failure in the response.
B) Protsentualno - with which the error has been answered: in a positive way or negative. The accuracy of the answer.
After all, any interpretation of the cards, too, with an error is made, which should not be forgotten and which clients are always given to understand (either directly or indirectly). Because fate changeable for each: the fact that yesterday seemed not real, can today with a certain probability distribution and vice versa. Absolutely maps do not show Nothing is showing multi-variant events.
«Index» - it's another card. Defined (again as an example) before the apportionments question:
«What do I tell response to a question? "or" What do I decipher the question? »
And if « Index » falls in the scenario, something from him" dance. " How? Here the choice is vast. All depends on the analyst's (= tarologa), from his mental abilities and mindset of its developments. He can see - again, as one example: зеркало этой карты (вверх или вниз, вправо или влево). Обязательно где то будет им найдена информация, или в Зеркалах или в другом месте. Но, как я уже и говорила = Analysis, a slow process and patience is needed, the cost of time is always at the same time significant (and usually the client, and he himself tarolog sometimes - it wants to do everything quickly as possible. Hurry do not get.) Here are invited «play" with the "Guide". "Significator" - this is through what we see in patience. A "pointer" - This is the direction of a definitive answer. .
I write briefly, because the system itself is working and it needs to be explained and practiced with it more than one hour: the examples of the best.
In the continuation of the conversation in komyunite taro_ aenigma - HERE .
/ © VEGA_STERN. Information authoring, my - a link to my blog / LJ mandatory when reprinting material. The article and the information in it is copyrighted. /
John,kejt Plus Eight Wikipedia
there is something more awful than self-deception, hatred, hypocrisy, cynicism and other negative aspects of our psychology, namely, - Icy indifference that takes a certain guise of humanity at least in such a negative way.
We generally have a society that produces the highest Quality stuff
contemporary art in general is not art, it is sverhiskusstvo, expressing, however, the lowest floor of our subconscious
From the perspective of eternity, falsehood and truth are indistinguishable.
best of its kind phenomenon is not necessarily good. Tallest midget is not a giant. The most intelligent fool is not yet wise. The fact that our society better than others, does not mean that it is good in itself. It follows from this that other even worse, that's all. In addition, one phenomenon is better than only some, but not in all respects, and only for some, but not for all people.
cultural and moral our level of "high society" extraordinarily low, no higher than that of the lower layer. Extremes meet. Excessive wealth, power and fame are to the same consequences as extreme poverty, powerlessness and obscurity. They odnokachestvenny. "Lower Light" is a reflection of "higher" and vice versa. The same distortion, same meanness, the same crimes, the same passions, the same relationships between people. The only other clothing, another satiety, the other dimensions. After all, the highest light of feudal society was not the medium in which were born and developed the phenomenon of civilization.
People drive really is not oschastlivlivaniem and an abundance of entertainment and pleasure, and by hypertrophy of the desire for real life benefits and to create conditions in which excluded the possibility to satisfy this desire for most people, but for those who have a good life in abundance, the very idea of happiness is ruined. Her place is taken temptation, as such, does not have any boundaries.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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Originally posted by
Sibyl, soothsayers and oracles fraudsters.
Sibyl, prophetess
Oracles and their secrets, soothsayers fraudsters:
Athanasius Kircher-(1602-1680) device for broadcast.
Caricature-18 century. Fake "oracle" with a horn-amplifier looks out of the dungeon.
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
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Analytical methods in the development of a particular line of production, economics, business, construction, etc. - Used everywhere and anywhere. Bankers use a large number of analytical methods to determine the future direction современного тренда в предлагаемых ими продуктах, в вопросах: ликвидности банков, в вопросах реализации своих стратегических планов, в вопросах привлечения new customers. What can we say about us, tarologah, astrology and enthusiastic mantic system. We it should be, too, is not alien in "calculating" one or the other answer customer questions.
One such method - is - Select the Directory. I would also advise (as one of the methods for determining the * on request kverenta *: country, or product manufactured by someone or some certain things specific, etc.) in determining people search or objects - to pull out a map of "pointer" to his hand. And to agree that this is the "pointer" will be characterized in scenario (which direction, as an example).
And then in the scenario, look at where it lies next to what and what it might mean. Ie orientate this "pointer" and from "dancing" with the conclusions.
Map Index pulled out of the deck is always arbitrary, it is not conjecture. Ie it "gives" or "defines" herself deck for this business.
first "negotiates" a man with a deck, proposed for himself, for which he needed "Key" and then he pulled out of the deck. And not vice versa.
/ © VEGA_STERN. Information author , my - a link to my blog / LJ Mandatory when reprinting material. The article is protected by copyright . /
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whole complex of pyramids in Giza a stone observatory, which is in the book, the reference which is shown below, the reader will reveal quite widely.
"Whoever held the dedication of the ancient mysteries, and gave a solemn oath never reveal what happened to him in the sacred precincts ... Each year in the commission of the mysteries of the right to pass the initiation awarded only few ... none of the ancient authors and do not leave full and consistent description of these mysteries, so sacred to each of them was given vow ... In the early, purely spiritual its stage, these mysteries pursued lofty goals of the religious, philosophical and moral character. "Good luck, a survivor, what you could not know before, from the person you turned to God "- words heard in parting on, past the highest stage of the Orphic Mysteries " (p. 267-268). P. Branton
For a person of any class, from the simple to the highly educated, those words sound strange, because that can be hidden from society, if you took on the knowledge on the moral and spiritual purity, since these moral norms of spiritual purity and is in society? And what is it that the neophyte, novice should be experienced during the mysteries, which he previously did not know did not know now what should be secret?
to such questions we can answer only if We know that Dedicated knew the secret of sexuality and how it (sexuality) to transform into divine energy, so that from a man turn into a god. And since sexuality is key to life and death, the neophyte student teaches beginning to impose a ban on sexuality that the key to death was immured. And only when the neophyte took on a certain potential of spiritual energy, it opened in the Mysteries in the key of sexual contact life. But since contact with the student teacher was gay (homosexual), then this student, the novice and had to be silent, giving the teacher an oath and vow silence. Who would not give such a pledge, he ceased to be a student teacher, translated to another teacher for the purchase of a temple of profession: carver, sculptor, scribe, architect-builder, an economist, etc.
During this initiation, gay mystery, the novice (neophyte) is indeed experienced what he did not know before and had no idea, since all sexual manifestations were placed bans.
According to Greek mythology, we we see that the gods make love for both heterosexual and homosexual. And if novice of the ordinary man transformed into a god, it's just and indicates that the novice (adept) received a key to eternal life, which is concealed in the genitalia (phallus). This is the key of life can open up the student (Adept) only teacher, dedicated, Hierophant. Because of the mismanagement of the phallus during sexual relations (onanisticheskih, heterosexual, homosexual), key life becomes a key death.
Only on the basis of the foregoing, we can see why the Mysteries were secret, and the stage of initiation was to test a student on the strength of spirit, willpower, patience, tolerance and silence.
It is no accident Pythagoras vyprovazhivaya undesirables from his school, used to say:
"Not every tree is fit to make him the Mercury" (p. 268)
«The word" mystery "comes from the Greek muo, «close your mouth, and every symbol connected with them, had a hidden meaning. Mystery - a kind of ceremonies that took place in ancient times as a dramatized representations. The main feature of the Mysteries was the personification of cosmic laws and mysteries of nature in the form of certain characters, whose role performed by the priests and neophytes. The rituals of the Mysteries mostly kept secret from the uninitiated. Allegorical fable of Mysteries, as a rule, corresponded Situations from the life of gods and goddesses, the secret meaning of the value of which was explained to candidates for ordination and was the basis for future philosophical doctrines. In the Mysteries by the dramatized representations and other techniques were taught the origin of things, the nature of the human spirit, his attitude to the human body, its methods of purification and return to a higher life. Mysteries were played, usually in the temples in a strictly scheduled time Only individuals who had undergone the necessary ritual of initiation. The main purpose of the Mysteries was the training of candidates for the priestly Sana'a and conduct selection of the most worthy of further initiation. - / E. Blavatsky's Theosophical Dictionary »/
But, as Jesus Christ said, there is nothing hidden that will not become clear, so in our modern era, all the esoteric (secret) knowledge has become to acquire exoteric character.
Among the few foreigners who were allowed to go through this Egyptian initiation, may be called Plato, Pythagoras, Thales, Lycurgus, Solon, Iamblichus, Plutarch and Herodotus "(p. 255-258).
P. Branton
Based on the foregoing, we become intelligible words Apuleius: "And the speech and hearing will be overwhelmed by sin, if I agree to meet such a reckless curiosity. "For the teacher to student imposes restrictions on sexuality, gluttony, all worldly antics, considering all of this sin. Layman, knowing it all still live in these sins. And if the layman to talk about the dedication, where you have to take sexy, then indeed we are hearing and laymen will be amazed sin. Therefore, about sexuality during initiations always held back, and he gave the novice a vow of silence about it. That's why all devoted to talking Only the uninitiated what they saw during their stay in a dead sleep, and all the intimate love held back. For the initiate ever told that if he were someone else opens the secret of their love relationships with teachers, thereby it will terminate energy communication with the teacher and spiritual fall down, losing gradually all that he has acquired close to the teacher and thanks to the Teacher. Any dedicated, keeping this secret, he could, wherever he was on the territory of the Earth, anywhere in the world, always go to the contact with the teacher and receive the necessary assistance and spiritual knowledge. But if on blurts about intimate relationships with the Master, then he lost power contact with a teacher and could not at the right time to get help from teachers and spiritual knowledge, and in the eyes of the laity from losing their moral purity and discredited himself as a spiritual teacher. Aware of the opportunity this fall in a society dedicated to silent about the intimate, that should only come from his heart. For from the moment of initiations the initiate himself stands on the tip of a razor blade and continues on his walk to the light. And from any pronunciation loses his balance, and dedicated itself can either be cut off, or fall into the abyss. To avoid such unpleasant consequences on was forced to silent. Dedicated could no longer play with fire (sexuality) for reckless fun. After all, sexy - this is the atomic bomb that could explode and destroy the person because of allegedly harmless pranks.
P. Branton confirms that our thoughts, saying:
"And since then dedicated to consistently apply the effect of the Hierophant, whose efforts have been undertaken this commitment. Mentor and the student joins the now invisible, but very deep and intimate connection ... He saw heaven and hell and knew some of their secrets. Usually, he solemnly promised not to reveal these secrets to the uninitiated " (p. 277)
That dedication included hidden sexual aspect, allegorically indicates P. Branton in the following information:
"That, as we know, was both the god of wisdom and secret teaching ... He was also lord of the moon, so all the magic and secret religious ceremony (and first of all, the initiation into the mysteries) were carried out at night and only at a time when the moon becomes of force - that is, the new moon and full moon " (p. 312).
As and P. Branton," we "(meaning interpretation by the author here) understand that Moses is one of the Initiates and is the most significant personality of those who have ever gone through a dead sleep initiation. But we do not believe that Moses was in Egypt, the highest of Dedication. For Dedicated to the higher level, the role of the Hierophant never rise on a path leading the role of the Governor, Commander, and yet Moses certainly had these state officials. Dedicated to the Great is always in the shadow, not pretending no matter what the structure of state power, that is not seeking to gain earthly power and earthly wealth. Moses opened the way to the Jewish people to God through Law, the Ten Commandments, for which under the mask of God may be hiding a particular hierarchy, which was presented to Moses as the Lord Jehovah (Jehovah). But this Hierarchy may be the devil - Fire Hierarch.
That Jesus Christ is the great Initiate, truly the Son of God, for He gave the commandment of love is not only one "elected" people and all humanity. Must do so every Dedicated, because for him there is no nations, peoples, races, to lift some and humiliate others; for him all are equal, because every man is a spark of God.
It is for mankind each dedicated to leave their spiritual work, in which way or another point of view, using symbolic figurative language, reveals the way in the world of grace, joy and happiness, that is how you can become God-man.
Moses after himself left the Jewish people the Torah (Pentateuch), Jesus Christ - the Gospel, which recorded his disciples, the apostles, but Imhotep has left 42 books, and perhaps Book of the Dead "also belongs to his pen. For in the Book of the Dead "collected the sacred Egyptian texts.
Referring to the works of Blavatsky and E. Roerich in his preface to his book "The Ecumenical mysteries of the pyramids and Atlantis, the aforementioned authors write that" Atlantis survived four cataclysm that changed its mainland. Egypt became a colony of Atlantis after the second accident of its mainland, and the age of the Great Pyramid was not 3-4 thousand years, according to official science, and 200 thousand years, and established it was Initiates Atlanta in anticipation of future cosmic catastrophes "(p. 5)
And then, based on data academician of the Academy of Energy Science N. Sochevanova in September 1995, of its proposed tables, we learn that "from paragraph 5 of the table that the Egyptian Sphinx was built before the pyramids and Flood and production time took more than a thousand years "(p. 9).
That is, according to this table, the Sphinx of Egypt began to build the 44.2 thousand years BC, and completed only after 1200 years, Egyptian Pyramids themselves (though not yet known what the pyramid) have started to erect 32,3 thousand years BC and their construction has ended after 150 years. A "Flood" (Noevsky), it turns out, the land was 24,3 thousand years BC Along the way, here we note that the Pyramids and Sphinx on Mars were built 32,3-24,5 thousand years BC Such data could not help lead to the conclusion that the Egyptian pyramids at Giza and the Pyramids of Mars, has built a civilization of Atlantis.
Then our the authors present material from the book "Thebes" world-renowned philosopher, president of the international organization "New Acropolis" Jorge A. Livraga, which states that "the descendants of Atlantis settled in the area of Thebes after the split of Atlantis on two continents (Ruta and Daitiya) ... The board was erected the Great Pyramid ... She was never intended for burial, as is the material embodiment of knowledge, expressed in terms of its dimensions and their relation ... Gone Goals and was built by the Great Sphinx ... face of the Sphinx has been one of the great features of the Magi - the rulers of Atlantis. As a result of new disasters seabed Saharan Africa has risen, and large areas of land to the north of Europe were under water "(p. 63).
According to E. Blavatsky, " Pyramids of Egypt were built about 200,000 years ago for 10 thousand years before the second crash of Atlantis " (p. 60).
" In light of the secret philosophy of the Egyptian on W. Harmon extremely thin computing determined that the first ceremony was held in the Pyramid 68,890 years ago, when the star Vega has sent its rays directly into the canal. The pyramid itself was completed in ten or fifteen years prior to this event "(p. 60).
" There is a perception that the word "Sphinx" is not of Egyptian origin. In Egypt, a figure that consists of two parts of different entities called "shesep-ankh," or "shesep-ankh, which means" living image. " Meant, of course, the living image of god or lord. God is often depicted with a human body and the head of a sacred animal. Pharaoh or ruler, although he was considered a vicegerent of God on earth, and even his son, is depicted in reverse order: the head Human-master and animal body "(p. 202) B. Babanin
" we "(again, the author's opinion Pechenkina) should be noted that the gods, depicting the human body and animal head are represented in diverse guises, but the pharaohs (rulers) of Egypt represented in only one guise - the Sphinx. Hence, the Sphinx - a synthesis two or three or four different entities - most likely does not belong to the Pharaohs, and one person - the Teacher, the Messiah, the Son of God. For the Son of God is "living image" or "lifestyle" or "The path to eternal life." Even the term "Horemhet" in Greek "Harmasis", meaning "mountains on the horizon," which satisfied the investigators in relation to the Sphinx, again, does not contradict what we have above expressed. For Gore - the son of the god Osiris and the goddess Isis - is precisely the image of the Son of God, Teacher Messiah, as the god of light (the sun). That is why Jesus Christ the Son of God is compared to the Solar Logos, as a lifestyle.
In all probability, if the Sphinx enclosed in a single entity two (three or four) different entities, this indicates that the deity (hermaphroditism). It is no accident that in ancient times (in Attica and other peoples) there was a cult worship of a hermaphrodite, who were considered gods, who came to earth. For the gods were considered androgynous, bisexual. B. Babanin wrote:
"As an androgyne - bisexual people, about their existence are trumpeting all the sacred books, and devoted all times and peoples" (p. 199). B. Babanin
Speaking of androgyny and hermaphroditism, we need to know that on the material, earthly level, this is not the same thing. As androgynous - a person, as we have clarified which from the outside is a man, but inside - a woman. And here is a hermaphrodite - a bisexual being, that is, a man with the outside as the female sex symptoms and male.
Adept, neophyte, becoming an initiate, can not become a hermaphrodite, because he has only one, the male sex characteristics, but through the initiation (mysteries), he becomes an androgyne, combining a bisexual: front - man, and behind - the woman. But the Sphinx is precisely a androgyny (bisexual). About this Babanin B. writes:
"the figure of [the Sphinx], consisting of a male being in front and behind the female (if it is the lioness), seemed to say that initiates and gods possess opposite qualities. Pharaohs often included as one of its sacred attributes of the tail of a lioness cows or other animals (it was fixed back) were men and women behind the front " (p. 208). V. Babanin
Thereby priests, pharaohs not only imitated the androgyne, but also directly specifies the attributes that they are androgynous.
Next B. Babanin reports that "about the reality of the existence of bisexual" gods "- newcomers from other worlds may reflect information received by Herodotus, during his visit to Egypt in the V century BC The priests found it necessary to show the "father of history" statues of the gods 345 - kings of men born without the participation of women. They reigned before Menes, the founder of the I dynasty of pharaohs, each had their name and history life. Their descendants, as well as their new incarnation on earth were the Egyptian pharaohs I and II even dynasties, and later dispersed among other peoples and countries " (s.198)
reader, if he did not initiate, when to get acquainted with such information, be able to take her "face value" as a reality, but in fact this information is described bestowal language. There are no statues of gods, aliens in the number 345, who were born in human form without the participation of women in general were not. This information refers to the Initiates, who knew the essence of the numbers 3, 4 and 5 and their relationship to each other 3:4:5 and 3:5. These numbers are the lengths of the sides of a right triangle, which will acquire later called "Egyptian triangle". But this triangle is an integral part of Khafre's pyramid as a symbol of the device Universe, where the number 4 is a square, the base, the foundation of the Universe, Figure 3 - triangle (isosceles or equilateral), as a symbol of the Spirit Rising from all four corners (North, South, East, West) in all four elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air), figure 5 - the sum of all sides of the pyramid (1 Base + 4 side side) - this is the Way, the key to understanding the Universe and transform the human into a god (see our first book on the pyramids, pp. 189 and 210).
The words "god-aliens" Initiates must be understood that arrived from different corners of the earth, so that through apprenticeship and dedication to acquire the quality of the gods, that is to become androgyne, passing the "death" and rebirth. For just these adepts, neophytes born gods, androgynous (dedicated) without the participation of women, but under the leadership of the Hierophant (Male), who is androgynous.
"They have reigned before Menes," - points to the fact that schools were Dedications to the Pharaoh Menes. And each dedicated to a truly had his name and his life story. Same words: "Their descendants, as well as their new incarnation on earth were the Egyptian pharaohs I and II even dynasties, and later dissipated among other peoples and countries ", - indicate the birth of other schools of Initiation, bearing a succession of the truth, which is in the form of divine knowledge passed from teacher to student. Students become Initiates, he could now open his own school dedicated to both in this country, where he received his knowledge, so and beyond. Since the school Dedications spread across the earth.
completely - the book Pechenkina
Woman Tarred And Feathered
In our time, explains that this chakra, just neprilichno.Kazhdy child knows where he has what and how much. But for some reason feel the chakras taken only in humans, but the fact that cats, too, there is such a thing As energiticheskie channels kak chakra few people think. But in vain.
And so, let us consider the example of a single cat.
Sahasrara Located on the crown, that is, between the ears where you normally gladite.Organizuet his connection with the energy space, the possibility of contact with the Higher Powers, that is with me (ok, you). The more you stimulate him sahasrara, the better you will communicate.
Ajna Located in mezhbrovya.To is, when you're scratching his nose, you simultaneously invigorates the brain and visual-auditory apparat.Razvitaya Ajna depending on the level of development may give the cat observation, reasoning ability, erudition, analytical thinking and deep mudrost.Navernyaka useful to him in this and all future eight zhiznyah.Narimer, Tom the cat scratched Noske is not enough.
Vishudha . In common parlance - * scratched my neck. * Located at the base of the neck, is responsible for the respiratory tract, dialogue, with a strong spiritual razvitie.Kota vishudha characterize the curiosity and inquisitiveness, often estetizm.Silnaya vishudha consistent ability to express their thoughts and feelings. Clearer than talking to your cat, the more he has given char.
strong, but not developed vishudha leads to the inventors * perpetual motion machines *, Art Festival, etc. That is, if your cat is screaming as cutting, figuratively tearing wallpaper pisses under the seat and nicely spreads shit on the carpet, then vishudha his strong, but not developed. Scrub the neck.
Cote, strongly radiating energy vishudha does not need words to obyasneniya.Podoshedshy him a question, he suddenly feels that he knows the answer.
For example: So who ate my sausage? *
- * Do I need to meet? *
Anahata Located in the center of the chest cells that controls the cardiovascular system and lungs, relationships with family and lyubov.Kot with silnoy anahata lives chuvstvami.On can radiate a sense, воспринимать настроение людей.Он умеет быть ярким в эмоционально-чувственной сфере.Как правило, кот с хорошо развитой анахатой мурлычет , как в попу заведённый.
cat from a strong but undeveloped anahata overwhelmed feelings, but he does not know what can not select them and differentsirovat.On pissing under the seat bite the hand which gives and tear mimoprohodyaschie tights.
Cote, strongly radiating energy anahata affects the emotional background around sebya.Nebylo case to purr anahatno-strong cat does not defuse the situation in the family. The more often your cat purrs, the brighter shines Anahata.
Manipur Located in the solar plexus, is responsible for gastrointestinal tract and the relationship with society. Cat with a strong manipura motivated the need for dominance, control, social recognition and uvazhenii.On warlike, independent, able to pursue their tsely, including damage to your interests.
Poor Manipur leads to the fact that the cat has a tendency to to dominate, but it is expressed in the simplest forms: piss on under the seat or in obuv.Kot with such manipura not understand that there are more sophisticated forms manipulation of people and, therefore, can not use these forms.
At the sight of a cat, a strongly radiating energy Manipura, people may experience anxiety fear and t.p.K this cat is hard podyti without trepidation, and only to attack him with a rolled-up newspaper, and scary to think .. why the cat to stroke his tummy to with care, It's better to iron on the back.
Svadhishthana located directly under the sexual organs, is responsible for the genitourinary system and intimate relationships. In the cat advanced svadhisthana dominant motive of pleasure. He knows himself to enjoy life and bring him pleasure lyudyam.Ego differentiation, he knows what's what in the refined pleasures and conditions. In particular, he was lying on the debt to spine.Nerazvitst this chakra minimizes range of sensual pleasures - to eat, sleep, piss on a chair. If the cat
powerfully radiates svadhisthana people around him fall into eyforiyu.Dlya stimulation of this chakra massage the cat's tail over the place (and not under NAD!)
Muladhara located under the tail, is responsible for bone, muscle, stamina and tone.
expression * to pull the cat's tail *, meaning a delay in action due to the fact that cats are often dragged about by the said body part, completely losing vitality.
Côte advanced muladhara easily stukturiruet space around it, vsgda themselves in the right place at the right time.
strong, but not developed MULADHAR leads to the fact that the cat just turns the key points in space, but uses the energy to mess under your feet, to spoil things and piss under the seat.
HVOSTASRARA Located on the tip of the tail, chakra future incarnation, is responsible for the nervous energy cat tselikom.Po the tip of the tail always possible to determine the general condition of the cat, geo mood and plans for the near future for three minutes.
And not God give you seriously you'll crush my cat's tail! Then in the next life you'll be a cat.
( About cat chakras, I found long ago on the Internet somewhere, a link, unfortunately, not preserved.
Here you can download this book
I know that many who read my journal are Friends of Animals. And truly love them. Therefore made extracts from the book (my translation) «Tierkommunikation und natürliche Heilung für Ihre Katze» , and added to the text recipes infusions of water on minerals, which are taken from other books, whose authors have long been working with lithotherapy.
Natural healing methods for your cat.
as an alternative medicine for the animal can be used various methods to normalize its status. Of course - if the pet is sick, doctor visit vet necessary.
So, as an example, we have an unbalanced power system pet - an animal. effect of all these methods is based to add a weakened energy patient (animal) and its reciprocal, supportive response to this method (by force if possible). The main thing - to return the state pet in a harmonious and familiar to him the state.
bio-resonance method.
The name "Bioresonance" embedded the essence of the method, which was built the ability of living tissues emit electromagnetic waves of various ranges, and in the presence of pathological processes in the organ or tissue ranges waves of change. And bioresonance therapy, and bio-resonance diagnostics using the method of Voll, stimulate the protective and regenerative abilities of the patient.
Devices bioresonance therapy work with the vibrations of the human body according to the principle of induction.
Bioresonance therapy working in the biophysical plane, being electromagnetic resonance therapy. The device ivertiruet pathological variations, and return them to the patient. The electromagnetic field of the patient immediately respond to these therapeutic signals. This process is repeated for a second, suppressing and destroying pathological variations, and gradually restoring the physiological dynamic equilibrium. Begins the process of self-healing organism.
Under with a source of electromagnetic waves should now distinguish two main types of therapy:
- endogenous bioresonance therapy - a therapy own electromagnetic oscillations of the human body after they have special treatment;
- exogenous bioresonance therapy - a therapy by external signals that separate organs and systems of the human body consists of a resonance, for example, with magnetic fields created by special generators.
Cleansing the body of the homeopathic method.
procedure may appoint a physician homeopath.
For cats or dogs or other pets, such purification of toxic products, polluting his body rather unpleasant procedure. (And for that, too rassshlakovka human body is not so easy accepted and tolerated by him).
color-and zvukoterapiya.
Since ancient times, been observed that the healing power of sound on animals. Relaxing music (preferably quietly sounding classics) harmonizes, breathing becomes calm and relaxed muscles, the energy in the organs may again flow freely, the embargo removed.
use of different color filters for color therapy, allows the cat to include the harmonization of the system itself. It is best to try several different color filters to calculate what color she loves most, where she Murch. ('re Careful not to leave her alone under the lamp).
lithotherapy. The healing power of crystals.
Animals are also often "absorb" the negative host - the evil eye, damage, etc. Pets are well healed with positive energy, which they lack visible, especially at moments when the master himself busy with their troubles, nervous breakdown or ill. Also - you need to follow a diet is always the favorite.
to "recharge" your pet's positive and healing energy to the success and have long used water infusion on minerals, as are the minerals.
about how to choose a mineral I wrote HERE .
You can choose to carry out mineral massage (as an example: the stomach or back or head) of your cat. Or insist water on natural minerals.
Jade advised to apply to the abdomen, to the place where it should be in the bladder, inflammation of the bladder in a cat (or dog).
Putting milk in amber and insisting that a couple of hours amber, to give this milk to the cat. Amber also helps with inflammation of the bladder (infusion of water or milk in it).
garnet can be done elixirs, as He is known for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, the jasper, especially red, you can make a good painkiller.
same quartz enriched water energy, and it is recommended to wash, as well as water on silver. This is the recipe for women but not for animals. :-))
Remember that a member of any substance containing free particles, ions, electrons, which is enriched with water when mineral entering into interaction with it. In a piece of red Jasper takes the pain out of any body part, only 10 minutes to hold it in hand, focus on getting rid of the pain. And of course meditation and overall recovery.
With back problems, lumbar pain - can help a good orange calcite.
infusion of water on it. Also, aragonite and water infusion for aragonite. Articular problems and back problems sometimes frequent in large dogs, horses. Same here: apatite, tincture of water on it. More: aragonite, lepidolite. And with arthritis and joint pains - Again a very good amber.
harmonize very well the energy structure of the animal.
healing power of white light. Quantum healing.
Imagine this light - clean and bright. Visualize it as it penetrates and cleanses the entire body of your pet. He fills his aura positive and healing.
for this healing power is not needed or what to study. This power is inherent in every one of us.
Love - this is the strongest healing power of all forces.
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The universe is run by the complex intertwinement of three elements: energy, matter and enlightened self interest