In our time, explains that this chakra, just neprilichno.Kazhdy child knows where he has what and how much. But for some reason feel the chakras taken only in humans, but the fact that cats, too, there is such a thing As energiticheskie channels kak chakra few people think. But in vain.
And so, let us consider the example of a single cat.
Sahasrara Located on the crown, that is, between the ears where you normally gladite.Organizuet his connection with the energy space, the possibility of contact with the Higher Powers, that is with me (ok, you). The more you stimulate him sahasrara, the better you will communicate.
Ajna Located in mezhbrovya.To is, when you're scratching his nose, you simultaneously invigorates the brain and visual-auditory apparat.Razvitaya Ajna depending on the level of development may give the cat observation, reasoning ability, erudition, analytical thinking and deep mudrost.Navernyaka useful to him in this and all future eight zhiznyah.Narimer, Tom the cat scratched Noske is not enough.
Vishudha . In common parlance - * scratched my neck. * Located at the base of the neck, is responsible for the respiratory tract, dialogue, with a strong spiritual razvitie.Kota vishudha characterize the curiosity and inquisitiveness, often estetizm.Silnaya vishudha consistent ability to express their thoughts and feelings. Clearer than talking to your cat, the more he has given char.
strong, but not developed vishudha leads to the inventors * perpetual motion machines *, Art Festival, etc. That is, if your cat is screaming as cutting, figuratively tearing wallpaper pisses under the seat and nicely spreads shit on the carpet, then vishudha his strong, but not developed. Scrub the neck.
Cote, strongly radiating energy vishudha does not need words to obyasneniya.Podoshedshy him a question, he suddenly feels that he knows the answer.
For example: So who ate my sausage? *
- * Do I need to meet? *
Anahata Located in the center of the chest cells that controls the cardiovascular system and lungs, relationships with family and lyubov.Kot with silnoy anahata lives chuvstvami.On can radiate a sense, воспринимать настроение людей.Он умеет быть ярким в эмоционально-чувственной сфере.Как правило, кот с хорошо развитой анахатой мурлычет , как в попу заведённый.
cat from a strong but undeveloped anahata overwhelmed feelings, but he does not know what can not select them and differentsirovat.On pissing under the seat bite the hand which gives and tear mimoprohodyaschie tights.
Cote, strongly radiating energy anahata affects the emotional background around sebya.Nebylo case to purr anahatno-strong cat does not defuse the situation in the family. The more often your cat purrs, the brighter shines Anahata.
Manipur Located in the solar plexus, is responsible for gastrointestinal tract and the relationship with society. Cat with a strong manipura motivated the need for dominance, control, social recognition and uvazhenii.On warlike, independent, able to pursue their tsely, including damage to your interests.
Poor Manipur leads to the fact that the cat has a tendency to to dominate, but it is expressed in the simplest forms: piss on under the seat or in obuv.Kot with such manipura not understand that there are more sophisticated forms manipulation of people and, therefore, can not use these forms.
At the sight of a cat, a strongly radiating energy Manipura, people may experience anxiety fear and t.p.K this cat is hard podyti without trepidation, and only to attack him with a rolled-up newspaper, and scary to think .. why the cat to stroke his tummy to with care, It's better to iron on the back.
Svadhishthana located directly under the sexual organs, is responsible for the genitourinary system and intimate relationships. In the cat advanced svadhisthana dominant motive of pleasure. He knows himself to enjoy life and bring him pleasure lyudyam.Ego differentiation, he knows what's what in the refined pleasures and conditions. In particular, he was lying on the debt to spine.Nerazvitst this chakra minimizes range of sensual pleasures - to eat, sleep, piss on a chair. If the cat
powerfully radiates svadhisthana people around him fall into eyforiyu.Dlya stimulation of this chakra massage the cat's tail over the place (and not under NAD!)
Muladhara located under the tail, is responsible for bone, muscle, stamina and tone.
expression * to pull the cat's tail *, meaning a delay in action due to the fact that cats are often dragged about by the said body part, completely losing vitality.
Côte advanced muladhara easily stukturiruet space around it, vsgda themselves in the right place at the right time.
strong, but not developed MULADHAR leads to the fact that the cat just turns the key points in space, but uses the energy to mess under your feet, to spoil things and piss under the seat.
HVOSTASRARA Located on the tip of the tail, chakra future incarnation, is responsible for the nervous energy cat tselikom.Po the tip of the tail always possible to determine the general condition of the cat, geo mood and plans for the near future for three minutes.
And not God give you seriously you'll crush my cat's tail! Then in the next life you'll be a cat.
( About cat chakras, I found long ago on the Internet somewhere, a link, unfortunately, not preserved.
Here you can download this book
I know that many who read my journal are Friends of Animals. And truly love them. Therefore made extracts from the book (my translation) «Tierkommunikation und natürliche Heilung für Ihre Katze» , and added to the text recipes infusions of water on minerals, which are taken from other books, whose authors have long been working with lithotherapy.
Natural healing methods for your cat.
as an alternative medicine for the animal can be used various methods to normalize its status. Of course - if the pet is sick, doctor visit vet necessary.
So, as an example, we have an unbalanced power system pet - an animal. effect of all these methods is based to add a weakened energy patient (animal) and its reciprocal, supportive response to this method (by force if possible). The main thing - to return the state pet in a harmonious and familiar to him the state.
bio-resonance method.
The name "Bioresonance" embedded the essence of the method, which was built the ability of living tissues emit electromagnetic waves of various ranges, and in the presence of pathological processes in the organ or tissue ranges waves of change. And bioresonance therapy, and bio-resonance diagnostics using the method of Voll, stimulate the protective and regenerative abilities of the patient.
Devices bioresonance therapy work with the vibrations of the human body according to the principle of induction.
Bioresonance therapy working in the biophysical plane, being electromagnetic resonance therapy. The device ivertiruet pathological variations, and return them to the patient. The electromagnetic field of the patient immediately respond to these therapeutic signals. This process is repeated for a second, suppressing and destroying pathological variations, and gradually restoring the physiological dynamic equilibrium. Begins the process of self-healing organism.
Under with a source of electromagnetic waves should now distinguish two main types of therapy:
- endogenous bioresonance therapy - a therapy own electromagnetic oscillations of the human body after they have special treatment;
- exogenous bioresonance therapy - a therapy by external signals that separate organs and systems of the human body consists of a resonance, for example, with magnetic fields created by special generators.
Cleansing the body of the homeopathic method.
procedure may appoint a physician homeopath.
For cats or dogs or other pets, such purification of toxic products, polluting his body rather unpleasant procedure. (And for that, too rassshlakovka human body is not so easy accepted and tolerated by him).
color-and zvukoterapiya.
Since ancient times, been observed that the healing power of sound on animals. Relaxing music (preferably quietly sounding classics) harmonizes, breathing becomes calm and relaxed muscles, the energy in the organs may again flow freely, the embargo removed.
use of different color filters for color therapy, allows the cat to include the harmonization of the system itself. It is best to try several different color filters to calculate what color she loves most, where she Murch. ('re Careful not to leave her alone under the lamp).
lithotherapy. The healing power of crystals.
Animals are also often "absorb" the negative host - the evil eye, damage, etc. Pets are well healed with positive energy, which they lack visible, especially at moments when the master himself busy with their troubles, nervous breakdown or ill. Also - you need to follow a diet is always the favorite.
to "recharge" your pet's positive and healing energy to the success and have long used water infusion on minerals, as are the minerals.
about how to choose a mineral I wrote HERE .
You can choose to carry out mineral massage (as an example: the stomach or back or head) of your cat. Or insist water on natural minerals.
Jade advised to apply to the abdomen, to the place where it should be in the bladder, inflammation of the bladder in a cat (or dog).
Putting milk in amber and insisting that a couple of hours amber, to give this milk to the cat. Amber also helps with inflammation of the bladder (infusion of water or milk in it).
garnet can be done elixirs, as He is known for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, the jasper, especially red, you can make a good painkiller.
same quartz enriched water energy, and it is recommended to wash, as well as water on silver. This is the recipe for women but not for animals. :-))
Remember that a member of any substance containing free particles, ions, electrons, which is enriched with water when mineral entering into interaction with it. In a piece of red Jasper takes the pain out of any body part, only 10 minutes to hold it in hand, focus on getting rid of the pain. And of course meditation and overall recovery.
With back problems, lumbar pain - can help a good orange calcite.
infusion of water on it. Also, aragonite and water infusion for aragonite. Articular problems and back problems sometimes frequent in large dogs, horses. Same here: apatite, tincture of water on it. More: aragonite, lepidolite. And with arthritis and joint pains - Again a very good amber.
harmonize very well the energy structure of the animal.
healing power of white light. Quantum healing.
Imagine this light - clean and bright. Visualize it as it penetrates and cleanses the entire body of your pet. He fills his aura positive and healing.
for this healing power is not needed or what to study. This power is inherent in every one of us.
Love - this is the strongest healing power of all forces.
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